Knockback galore

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Celestus, Mar 7, 2014.

  1. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes!/deck/coxCqbCf=C5KChYC1jCuQCyIS7s6Os5WS4KR2ornr2dr4RMeXe1t

    Just thought of this when I remembered carnivorous vines applies knockback damage, So not going to say alot about it just threw this together but could be a very hillarious deck to run, Basically alot of movement triggered relics, and equip lots of knockbacks on champions and barriers and relics to knock them into. Bane of this deck is unstoppable :D oh and not forgetting pacify so they can't attack
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Maybe you remember that barbed vine leash do 5 LoL for every space knockbacked, but that's not the case anymore.
    Also, artillery marker doesn't trigger of knockback.
  3. only

    only Active Member

    bring back Sweep instead of Wind Aura for Galesinger, please!
  4. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    Its still an extra 3 damage with knock back 3, and also it is 5 for teleport or leap not for knockback. And I know it doesn't trigger off knockback but it does knockback oponents
  5. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    Galesinger has a destiny that exceeds the mere role of knockback-gimmick-champion, don't try to doom the poor fellow into the oblivion of trick decks when his mates need him.
  6. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    Mines and traps trigger from KB, BVL triggers 1 HP per movement, unless the opposing champ initiates "specials" like teleport or leap.

    Artillery marker is triggered by relocate, as are mines and traps.

    If you're going for KB damage, you should be running 2x tortun minelayer with rock trap and grant firetrap. Also good for detection and a decent melee unit in a pinch.
  7. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    Tortun minelayer also has explosive attack... but you have to sacrifice one of the other upgrades for it.

    Other nice options include the Tortun Broadside (Combo:Slam), the Tortun Repeater (Explosive Attack), Ash (Explosive attack), Slamhammer (Knockback), Forest Giant (Knockback), Bowmage (Combo:Slam)

    And it looks like PoxBase is a bit out of date!
  8. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    Another fun option (it can be annoying and slow) is the Sporegill with Poison Cloud.
    dsjtheman likes this.
  9. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    Yeah I had also though poison cloud would have been good but ooommmggg sooo lonnnggg, I'd totally forgot about explosive attack as a knockback, and yeah definitely wanted in the forest giant and bowmage
  10. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    And this wasn't like a serious bg haha just a fun thing to suggest, I've never even tried it haha
  11. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    I am running a variation of this in ranked atm, celestus... it's actually very, very powerful. I don't pay enough attention to really get it to shine as it should, but I am convinced that with some minor tweaks, it could be top 50 if not top 25.
  12. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    Do you run the Centaurs? Cause I think they are what really do this deck a justice, with slam on basic attack, I mean you could run rally the heard and get 42 damage in 3 attacks :D
  13. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    Oh and just realised the starlight sylph has telekentetic thrust :)
  14. RedDain

    RedDain I need me some PIE!

    Yes! They are the key to the deck. The threat of slam+traps keeps people away. I run Epochal Sage to give insane AP/Damage/Range, and AA for spot invig.

    Use the threat of champ kills (generally I can kill one per turn) to keep your enemy away, set up for massive shrine attack as an option... Last game I did 68 shrine damage with one centaur.
  15. IceHippo

    IceHippo Active Member

    I love knockback. I've been slowly cobbling together a KF/FS BG using similar shenanigans and it's somewhat competitive now. I think I might adopt a couple of the tricks from this thread to make it a bit less poison damage reliant!
  16. Celestus

    Celestus The King of Potatoes

    Force Barrier might be worth putting in, because that has a larger area. It works well with ST too they have alot of thrusts and knockback *cough* galeforce *cough* (the times of 2x gale force auto include *shudders*) plus elders have forcebarriers etc
  17. Makorov

    Makorov I need me some PIE!

    Garu Hurler has Stone Bomb (knocks back 1 space), Rock Trap, 60hp with banner, and pretty decent damage output every other turn thanks to Piercing Shot 3.
    He has 5 base speed though :/
    He's also really fun imo.

    EDIT: Also, hibernate! Surprise ~18 dmg!
  18. IceHippo

    IceHippo Active Member

    Just found out today how great mines are in conjunction with the elemental's/ revolting fentek's poison traps. If you place a mine 2 squares from the poison trap, then wait for your opponent to hit the poison trap, which being 2 from the mine also triggers that thus taking the 12 fire damage and the 6 poison, then gets knocked back 2 taking 12 more poison damage! Had one trigger in range of the fentek's vulenerability poison and crippled an opponents champion without shedding a drop of my own troops blood, works wonders if you place well!:)
  19. dsjtheman

    dsjtheman I need me some PIE!

    FS does have the best trapper champs in the game...

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