Lavaspout + Banner

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Sirius, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    I can take out the Lavaspouts with an AoE spell and fight the remaining few, but I can't do so if they all get +5 HP from a banner. I have tried really hard to get to the banner and kill it, but at that point I already had to use my AoE and the Lavaspouts had already multipled by an insane amount. The fact that the banner was placed in the farthest corner possible, with the path blocked by so many lavaspouts didn't help. I pretty much lost a game to JUST Lavaspouts.
    Personally, I already think the current form of the banners is bad design because they are auto includes, no-brainers, thus reducing deck space and deck variation (even if by just 1). Especially since "rewarding you for playing full faction" is already covered by the faction bonus (in theory). But when the banner also drastically changes a unit's performance (or more like 30 units), it's even worse.

    Post your thoughts.
  2. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

    I lost to lavaspout once, because they are a thing that may snowball out of your control in some situations and that's frustating sometimes, but that isn't a thing you'll be facing a lot, and if you are, you can try and include some hard counter directly.
    Also, don't forget that lavaspout on a split with ST or KF can get you +5 or +7 hp to the lavaspouts.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I lost to a Plant Surge Crystalis bg once. Was rather terrifying. Ya win some you lose some right? Good luck mate.

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