League of Legends

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by Morfeas, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Loyaute

    Loyaute I need me some PIE!

    Apparently, all you have to do is Orianna shockwave it while the enemy team with 2 smites uses neither of them.
  2. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Edgar Allan POE represent.
  3. Regulate

    Regulate I need me some PIE!

    100% win as bard in ranked solo q (plat)

    Super fun

    Spoilers: I don't roam more in the laning stage than I do with any other support.
  4. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    nononno you gotta leave adc, get chooms

    ez gg
  5. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    I still say Bard is the most useless thing ever. Whenever I see one on the enemy team I think "oh nice, it's a 4v5".
  6. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Don't forget Evelynn.
  7. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    People are playing Bard wrong, hes a top laner not support.

    At least that's where I play him.
  8. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    How exactly is he a top laner, how does he beat any top laner and how does he offer anything more as a top laner than as a support.
  9. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Because Bard.
  10. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    XFurionsX, IMAGIRL and Pixyrus like this.
  11. Loyaute

    Loyaute I need me some PIE!

    Back to 0 LP in B5.
    Pretty awful at this game.
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I bet I can coach you to silver in a single weekend.
  13. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    I dunno about that, I've seen some Evelynns completely butt**** the enemy team, but she's very feast-or-famine, similar to Shaco. A good Eve will make your life hell. A good Bard? A minor annoyance at best.
  14. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    I disagree in every aspect. Shaco is a very strong champion no matter the situation, Eve is a sub-optimal champ in EVERY scenario, and won't make any good player's life hell.
  15. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Almost all of the top junglers atm out-scale Shaco. If he doesn't establish a strong presence in the early game, his only real purpose will be for split-pushing (something he does a lot better if ahead). Additionally, Shaco lacks both the consistent burst and survivability to carry when his team is sufficiently behind.

    Also, if by "good player" you mean "players who buy pink wards" then you should realize that 95% of League players don't regularly buy pinks, especially during lane phase. Later on, after several successful ganks, an Eve will contribute quite a lot of sustained DPS to teamfights, along with being a good duelist and pusher. It really depends on your comp tbh.
  16. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    I may be biased in the fact that I am indeed talking about the 5% players that you mentioned, as those are the games I experience. So that's pink ward mayhem all game. Below that anything and its mother can work, so I don't see the point of establishing a "viable/not viable" list in lower quality games.
    Aside from that, I once again disagree with many of your statements:
    Shaco will NOT lack the consistent burst and damge even if his team is behind; a Shaco player is required to be be ahead in 100% of his games until 15 minutes. Every other scenario is attributed to a bad player, not the champion. Shaco IS indeed not the best jungler to carry his team from behind, but so are many other junglers.
    Evelynn does NOT contribute sustained dps in teamfights, unless you have figured the correct way to build a successful Evelynn (if you have please share it with me, I see every Eve player struggling with refining a good Eve build). Eve is also most certainly not a good duelist; she can barely take on maybe 1/5 junglers right now. And about the pusher part I really think you were joking. All Eve provides is solid initiation lategame and average jungler pressure early-mid in a team that has synergy with her.

    Edit: about the pushing part I mean she lacks the pressure/I-can-kill-whoever-comes part. Ofcourse she can shove waves in a normal rate, but so can Shaco with a shiv tiamat and 75% of lol's champs
  17. JazzMan1221

    JazzMan1221 Better-Known Member

    Shaco doesn't have trouble getting his team ahead, it's keeping them ahead that's the problem. There are times where your laners simply get out-played and lose their advantage, or take stupid risks because they're ahead, etc. Now you may be thinking "well Bane Shift, that's not a Shaco-related problem!", but the fact is if your idiot laners throw away the advantages you gave them, Shaco's work goes to waste. Whereas if you have a jungler such as Amumu, or Nautilus, or Sej, your laners falling behind again means nothing because they don't fall off the way Shaco does. There will be many other opportunities for them to swing fights in their team's favor, while the Shaco player can only split-push or assassinate a single target before dying. If a Shaco's team is behind, Shaco is behind. And a Shaco that is behind will not be useful for anything but split-pushing. If he tries to make any plays while behind, Shaco will get a Backstab crit in, maybe an E, then get Bane Shift on by the person he tried to kill. Not to mention that if you're behind, objectives like dragon and baron are harder to control; you will most likely have to give them up, giving the enemy team a chance to snowball.

    So far, all the good Evelynn's I've observed have built the following: Warrior Enchantment -> Triforce -> BotRK (if fed, Frozen Heart if not) -> tank. AP Eve is probably more common, but this pure assassin-type Eve is far too risky IMO. A tankier Eve will put out fine damage with Triforce while being durable enough to survive extended fights. Also, when I say duelist, I don't mean in the jungle only, I mean as a split-pusher and a "clean-up crew" for messy skirmishes. Early game, Eve is a great invader on all the tank junglers except Volibear and Udyr. Junglers like Amumu, Zac, Mundo, and Naut have no way of defending themselves, especially if Eve invades their second buff. And as for pushing, a well-built Eve will be able to take a decent chunk of the responder's HP before W'ing away to stealth. She doesn't necessarily have to win the fight, just make her opponent scared enough by her possible presence that it forces additional rotations by the enemy team.
  18. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    First part all true, doesn't change the fact that Shaco is still a solid champion.

    Second part, uh-no.

    The build you mention is the typical Eve build (AP Eve is for goldies and stuff). It makes Eve do exactly what I described in my previous post and is the normal build assumed when discussing her. Eve is a shitty split pusher and a less-than average cleanup crew. She is by no means ever a good duelist. Early game invades do not exist since season 4, idk what we're talking about. You do your 3 camps, so does she, you have early wards from trinkets, you back and have full hp. Eve shows up at your second buff? Well Bane Shift for her, she cant kill even if you're an Amumu without blue, and now your laners are coming. The "bully the tanky jungler" days are beyond long gone, unless you're a godly skirmisher like xin udyr or lee. And the final sentence doesn't have a single truth in it, I don't have anything to say about it :|
  19. Pixyrus

    Pixyrus Forum Royalty

    Started playing only support in ranked. I went from the bottom of b5 to b4 promos in a few games.

  20. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    Good builds. The only important thing missing is insta-upgrading red trinkets at level 9, but then again nobody wards in bronze 4.

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