Legendaries - Packs or Boxes too?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by nitebane21, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. nitebane21

    nitebane21 I need me some PIE!

    A quick, simple question. The Marketplace specifies packs have a 5% chance to contain a legendary. Do the packs within a box also have a 5% chance?

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Yes, Legendaries do pop up in boxes as well.
  3. IceNorth

    IceNorth Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Box is just a bulk of 10 packs, so if u buy a box u get 10x 5% :)
  4. PoxZuo

    PoxZuo Administrator Octopi

    What IceNorth and KTCAOP said, each pack in the box has a chance at a legendary. We have a bug ticket in queue to fix the description.
  5. nitebane21

    nitebane21 I need me some PIE!

    I figured, but it didn't say specifically so I wanted to double check. Not that it really matters, I'm lucky to pull more than 1 exo from a box. :rolleyes: Thanks gang!

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Can you tell us which legendary are in which boxes? Or are all legendaries available no matter what box you buy?
  7. nitebane21

    nitebane21 I need me some PIE!

    My understanding is that they are in the box that matches up with their release. So for example, banners might drop from Core packs. However this is just based on forum speculation.
  8. Problivion

    Problivion New Member

    I just bought a Extended Box and got a tortun bokor, so it seems to work. it was an additional rune so its nice. i got 10 rune from the pack + the legendary + token
  9. PoxZuo

    PoxZuo Administrator Octopi

    You're right. If you get a core pack it can drop a legendary from a core set expansion. Same with the extended packs.
  10. ykmmmm

    ykmmmm Member

    i need a fix to my bad luck i get only rare exept the garantee exo XD
  11. avichaif

    avichaif Devotee of the Blood Owl

    so u can get banner or diplomat
    gila900 likes this.
  12. nitebane21

    nitebane21 I need me some PIE!

    I feel your pain!

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