Legendary tweaks

Discussion in 'Ironfist Stronghold' started by Zythraak, Jul 24, 2014.

  1. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    So! Our windfuries did get reworked, and our DMC looks a lot better too. Thoughts?
  2. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Windfury seems slightly overcosted still. I guess he is intended to stay at 2-5 range but he is better than he was. Still wouldn't run DMC. One question about Gragas. Is Keg toss on the attack chain? At 5AP it would get pretty expensive AP wise
  3. Zythraak

    Zythraak The King of Potatoes

    I haven't found out if it's on the attack chain, but I don't believe it is. I grabbed a pair of windfuries and a DMC, for some strange reason PB was accepting banners last night and I had a bunch of spares to throw in. :) I expect the windfuries will go up, DMC too perhaps. It at least has 2 attacking abilities, so it can do SOMETHING every turn. Seems costly though, but i'll play around with it.

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