lich bg

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by chickenpox2, Jun 27, 2014.


Will liches be able to survive the revamp?

  1. yes

    4 vote(s)
  2. no

    5 vote(s)
  1. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    trying to make a lich bg but all the runes with lich abilities are too expensive (even without surge ability)

    worst part is there not enough weaker runes that can be used to substitute(unless you use vampyre runes) and now shroud removed they got no range protection

    are liches gone forever?
  2. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    I have to say, I'm dubious.

    For a start, Serkan is no longer worthy of his title as 'Lich Master', since he doesn't do a single thing to help liches - nor does he gain any benefit from them. Aside from being nerfed to oblivion *and* getting a price-hike, he also lost Surge: Lich and got nothing to replace it. Still, on the plus side, he kept Cripple. Because, if there was any ability I'd really want Serkan to keep, it would be cripple.

    Moving on, Dark Knights can now be resistant to damage or have Surge: Lich - something that might be quite painful (in my experience this was one of the main things that kept them alive - without it even Lich Knights seem really fragile). Oh, and they've also lost warding, 1pt of speed and (I believe) 1pt of damage.

    Lichlings have lost most of their stuff - including Worship Lich. Getting any of it back makes them more expensive.

    Skeletal Reapers have changed dramatically, and are no longer cheap beaters.

    Shadestrikers so far seem to be one of the few units that come out looking better - as they can now have Surge: Lich. However, their range has been reduced and if they want Surge (either kind) they can no longer take Distraction.

    Lich King is more expensive and lacks loyalty.

    Some terrible tragedy appears to have befallen Toll Taker's damage. Also, he no longer has Logistics: Speed.

    Dracolich can no longer be Speed 7, but he did gain Revel in Misery. Unfortunately, his once-impressive damage is no more.

    Stitched Librarian no longer has Detection. But wait, all is not lost - now he can take shatter as an upgrade ability. In case you ever need to shatter one item and recycle another, I guess. o_O

    Honestly, from what I'm seeing at the moment, it's not looking good. Maybe some of the currently lesser-used champions (soul collector, anthropomancer), or more expensive ones (lich's servitor) will be able to pull it back, but I find myself lacking interest.

    Serkan was what got me into this faction, and into liches. And, with him being well and truly dead, I just can't muster any interest in this deck.
  3. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    i agree but shatter better than recycle atleast opponent doesn't get refund
    also i notice that lich apprentice and serviator are only ones with worship: lich even i happy they have hp boost to support it still expensive it like 74 nora
    also what were they thinking putting scythe whirl on reaper even though it good doesn't make any sense
  4. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    True, though you don't get any nora either.

    In any case, I'd have thought it would be more logical to just make them alternate upgrades.

    Reaper in general seems to have been changed completely. He's gone from a cheap, fast, short-lived beater (initiative 2, sole-purpose etc.) to an expensive but more tanky/long-term beater (scythe whirl, soul drinker etc.).

    Out of interest, do you happen to know what Lich Magistrate (formerly Czar of the Void) does now? I don't own one at the moment, and I'm just curious as to what upgrade abilities it has now (since alternate abilities can't be viewed on the database).
  5. Sean5056

    Sean5056 I need me some PIE!

    I think you will have to do a lich-skelly combo. LK now gets a big boost from skellies and reaper gets boost from lich ect.. Your cheap champs should be skellies and expensive can be lich. That may work.
  6. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    But, is there much point even including liches in a skeleton deck?

    It seems like you'd be better off just going full-skeleton.
  7. Sean5056

    Sean5056 I need me some PIE!

    Maybe full skelly with a super beefy LK that you prolly will never have enough nora to get out into play
  8. Baalzamon

    Baalzamon I need me some PIE!

    I think Lich King is better than Serkan now because he has protections from either Oblivion or Void Shield and he also has Surge Lich. Serkan has been dethroned but I think that DOG will readjust him so that he will be worth putting back in a deck. Give them time, they did say that there would have to be adjustments to the champs that need it. I am going to be patient and just wait and see.

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