Lonx scout

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by daeminicus, Aug 3, 2014.

  1. daeminicus

    daeminicus Devotee of the Blood Owl


    Rune Name
    Faction: ST
    Lonx, Class: Ranger, Size: 1x1 Rarity: Uncommon
    : Small lonx hiding in the snow, setting a trap.
    Flavor-Text: Not all lonx grow fierce and strong, others survive on agility and speed
    Nora Cost:

    Champion Stats
    7, SPD: 7, RNG: 1, DEF: 0, HP: 35

    Champion Abilities
    Attack: Physical
    Other Ability: detection 3
    Other Ability with Effect: Lay trap: snow

    Upgrade Abilities
    Ability: hidden: arctic, stealth, shadowspawn
    Other Ability: mark, declare target, knockout

    Questions to Answer:

    To encourage a healthy discussion and increase the chances of your Rune suggestions being selected please answer the following questions in your suggestion post.
    • What role is this Rune intend to fill? Detection and add some CC/ap regen to lonx.
    • Why isn't this Rune's role being fulfilled by similar Runes? Lonx are weak on detection (as st overall), its more a of a stealthed unit with mark and knockout.
    • How is this Rune different from what is already in Pox Nora? Its nothing lonx got atm.
    • How is this Rune competitive and why would it be used over other Runes? Its different and it adds another role to the lonx theme
    • What makes this Rune unique and fun to use? Its abilities

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