Looking for someone to Design an Avatar and/or Signature Pics Paying Well

Discussion in 'Rune Trading' started by Xuvali, May 27, 2015.

  1. Xuvali

    Xuvali Devotee of the Blood Owl

    As Title reads...

    I want it to be SP orientated.

    Signature - Multiple Races are worth considering, Especially G'hern, Moga, Cyclops

    Avatar prefably a Moga, maybe a Cyclops.

    I will be paying in runes, so hit me up if you think you can design something awesome and what sort of Payment you would be looking for.

    I have 2x Every Common-Uncommon-Rare-Exotic in game, plenty of Legendaries and a fair amount of Limited Editions so I am Sure we can work something out.

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