My FW bgs in new game

Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by jesterman7, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. jesterman7

    jesterman7 The King of Potatoes

    saw the game was changing hands so decided to give it a shot again. Heres my FW bgs I used before, how do they hold up in todays game? Have there been lots of changes yet? Any new viable bgs? Open to suggestions/changes as I most likely have the runes to make them

    "Good Stuff"!/deck/cd4cfZcp...gtcpDcoic9dcg@c4ns6ZsgSns72s4fS5arTr8exe2ye2J

    Life Siphon!/deck/cd4CaoCfZcpbCofCoOcdUc9dc5xc1lc4nS6Zs56sgSns72s4fs5ar3or1IrTexe2ye2J

    FW/UD Life Siphon!/deck/c88cuYCaoCfZCofcpLCoOcdPch3ca8cuAch5S6Zs2ls7dSnsDs4fr2r2ie1+exe25e2y

    also have a skeleotn and spirit one I can post later.
  2. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Hi and welcome back :)

    I cant view your bgs (have some issues with poxbase at times) so I cant comment at this time (and I never played Lifesiphon much), but am sure others will have some input for you :)
  3. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    Honestly it seems that you were making those bgs based on art coolness.

    If you like vamps, we now have 2 champs with fascinate-phaseshift, which can be played in UD,SP,FS,ST splits for various tricks.
  4. Shimaru

    Shimaru Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Will only comment on the second one, life siphon.
    What's the purpose for the bonewing? Isn't a bad champion, it just look out of place in the bg, I would reconsider replacing it. Shatter should not be a problem, as FW have many tools to deal with the occasional equipment, and a single shatter champion would not be enough to deal with bgs focused on equipments, like the dreaded AP lock.

    Definitely remove the bloodbinder count. You have Serkan, you have a expensive long range beater, which is miles better than the count, so just drop it. I would suggest a second emissary, if you can afford it, or another putrid creeper, which is an all around solid tank. Or maybe something cheaper, like the vampyre.

    As for the rest, my only suggestion would be try to squeeze a place for a second vendetta. Is available through the forge, so it wouldn't be that hard.
  5. jesterman7

    jesterman7 The King of Potatoes

    Ty for the replies.

    Yeah the bonewing is there for shatter since there weren't a lot of other FW options before. Count is there for life siphon and electricity damage but he is indeed expensive and was one I was on the fence about before.

    I will have to look at the new vamps logan, not really sure by what you mean picking them based on art, two of them are quite theme specific with the good stuff being the random meta type deck. I will see if those new vamps fit in.

    Here is my skeleton and spirit, once again I haven't looked at any of the newer stuff to add yet
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2014

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