Name-able runes

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Votel, Apr 12, 2014.

  1. Votel

    Votel New Member

    Name-able runes and upgraded taunts where fun. (would'a been a bit funner if others could read the funny names, or I could write my own taunts, I see how that could be abused)

    I had Piles of name change and taunt tokens that where simply deleted from my account when beta was released. (not very happy about that, but it is in the contract, and I didn't pay real $ for them) Note: they did not delete the 200 exp tokens (I only had one when they did the change over with out warning) it's trade-able, but not usable since platt tokens took their place.

    But, ALL the runes I had already named kept the funny names I gave them. (you can imagine how many times and ways Kenny has died LOL) And now they are a traders dream. (I have several 1 of a kind runes) the down side is I have to play the rune to see if it's named, then the in build ID on the trader becomes the only way to Identify them for me, and the person who's trading for them has to take my word that it's named until they play the rune. (if they can Identify it from the other copys they have)

    So Biggy Question: are you going to re-introduce name-able runes? Are you willing to put a marker or simply make named runes Limited? or the sad options = do nothing or reset the named runes? (Please don't) Are you willing to do anything neat with my 200 exp token? (it's still a KOO relic of development). If you do bring them back, is it possible for you to see how many I had and give them back to my account?

    Regardless I had a lot of fun with it, And I think others could also.
    (PS if any one want's to trade for Kenny or the others I can be tempted)
    Kristian Skjold likes this.
  2. Kristian Skjold

    Kristian Skjold I need me some PIE!

    I remember the time with name-tokens.. That was awesome!

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