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Discussion in 'Forsaken Wastes' started by yobanchi, Nov 20, 2014.

  1. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    It's not over efficient. It just would be pretty damn swell if the statue actually WAI.
    And it has to have a level of scary potential the longer the game drags out- because that's the role we play as FW.
    And it SHOULD be perhaps slightly more powerful in potential than other options, for other factions- simply because those factions often access these things IMMEDIATELY, while this whole xulos thing takes such a ridiculous amount of set up and nora. You'd hope there was a point to it.
  2. D4rkSteel

    D4rkSteel I need me some PIE!

    Obsidian Venger has Desegrate Earth as the only champion. This ability costs 10 nora, can we make this cheaper to make him playable? Miss this guy
  3. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    Agree with TeaScholar FW is different from other factions in that we especially like putting it in the bank to build up to late game.

    I'd like to see this strength of FW increased and taken more away from instant gratification.

    Think Vengeful instead of surge.
    DoT's instead of damage.


    I hope to focus on themes after ronin and really flush them out to make them unique and not just "herp, derp surge duh duh".

    @Fikule also had some rad ideas concerning disease and expanding it as a theme. I'd like to add contagion to that list but having it static and not a tick. (IOW adjacent units become diseased X at end of turn)
  4. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    I personally like Venger just how he is, he is a pretty powerful brawler (if a little expensive) and desecrated ground is great for contesting fonts or just holding ground. His problem if you ask me is that he like a lot of the other FW legendaries has absolutely sweet Firk all synergy with the rest of the faction. I like how he can combo with bloodbinder but that isn't exactly a convenient combo to set up.

    I often find myself saying this, but FW really needs its themes strengthened and i feel that changing some of the legendaries so that they actually fit into a theme would do wonders. Champs like venger, korsien and lamia do not fit in to any themes, where are the legendary skeletons and spirits? As much as i love Coragh maybe a legendary zombie that actually does something different from all the other zombies might strengthen that theme!

    All that said i think lich magistrate is awesome.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
  5. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    How does venter combo with Bloodbinder?

    A lot of the Legendaries need to fit better in there theme homes I say.
    Where would venger go?
  6. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    This is exactly my issue, we have some nice themes. Zombies, skeletons, spirits, witches or even DMZ can be run as a theme of sorts. Though when the devs get round to making a legendary...'Hey guys lets make a FW paladin which couldn't possibly fit in to any of the existing themes at all!!!!' like what the hell happened there??? Same with the count, make a Vampire who could fit in the vampire theme, and then give him DMZ abilities...so why is he a vampire??

    The combo i found with the Count was that if you give Venger the defiling aura upgrade charge him into defile as many people as possible and then throw down desecrated ground, then the Count can use bloodbind to paralyze them all, defiling aura stops any cleanses of the paralyze so they are pretty much stuck there to take the 6 damage and whatever else you want to throw at them the next turn. Not exactly a game winner but when it works out it can be pretty nice.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2015
  7. D4rkSteel

    D4rkSteel I need me some PIE!

    Some champs are not in any theme, but that's okay. He only needs to be a little bit cheaper to be runnable
  8. TeaScholar

    TeaScholar Better-Known Member

    That's cool. I'll be the guy who's anti-theme.

    I just don't see the point of it, when you can run smaller plug-ins of themes into a bg, and give it variety/diversity + efficiency.

    Not to mention I am a supporter of: Undead Master Race
    SireofSuns likes this.
  9. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    Well i don't necessarily think everything strictly needs to apply to a theme. I mean i'm a big fan of Lich Magistrate, throw in a few choice guys to support him and that guy can be run in pretty much any bg. I just think that when we look at our legendaries at least most of them should fit in with a theme or at least have some kind of synergy with FW as a whole.

    I think Venger is a good example, overall he has good stats and isn't very expensive for what you get. His down fall is that there is so few things to play off him, nothing in FW plays off of paladins, nothing in FW plays off of his desecrated ground and everything else about him is pretty much bland and average. I think something as simple as changing his race to anything other than vanilla undead would immediately provide more options for him as a champion.

    I really like our legendaries, I just think we need more traditional undead to strengthen the themes rather than all this exotic stuff like lamias and people on horses.
  10. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    I'll be honest, I'm a theme junky, I live for them.

    I would agree that not everything needs to strictly fit into one theme, but... Everything needs to fit with something else in order to be runnable, otherwise we begin to encourage "good-stuffs" bgs.
  11. kalasle

    kalasle Forum Royalty

    I am excited to run Xulos with a functioning Statue. It's certainly keeping in line with FW as a late-game powerhouse. But just because something is thematically consistent doesn't mean it is good. Just because something has trade offs doesn't mean it's stable. Statue provides something that Pox hasn't really had before, so buffing it just needs to be done with care; I think the current changes look good, and don't give any special cause for concern. But I'd just encourage that, should this become an ugly issue for the rest of Pox, there be a willingness to change it.
  12. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    I just wanted to mention worms, they clearly need a lot of love. 2 champs i think could easily and quickly help out the worm theme is Putrid and Rotmaw creeper. They are both quite overcosted and almost useless because of it. Rotmaw is 60-70 nora for a 5 speed melee champ with no abilities to use until it is within 3 squares, yeah i think ill pass on that. Putrid creeper is 80-90 nora for a perfectly average tank which would usually cost 10-20 nora less.

    Then as i was thinking this i realised just how many different things we are throwing up in this thread and how messy it is getting. We seem to be jumping from one thing to the other. Would you guys be interested in constructing a list of things we would like patched and try and classify them in terms of urgency?
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2015
  13. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    With sok coming in this process is up in the air at the moment so don't go overboard as this thread may change drastically once Ronin is released.

    If you do want A more focused discussion I would recommend making themed thread. That will definitely help.
  14. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    you should head up that effort yobi. make a thread for each theme. thoese threads tend to get actual decks posted to them and its easier to see how suggested changes to runes can impact them. it will also give you a feel for which themes are more popular.
    potatonuts and SireofSuns like this.
  15. Netherzen

    Netherzen I need me some PIE!

    For some reason people are really shy about posting bgs and i would like to see more bgs.Do people still run themes in fw?All i see in ranked is meta and an odd zombie bg now and then.
  16. SireofSuns

    SireofSuns I need me some PIE!

    Not really from the little I've seen (I currently avoid ranked because of... anger issues over my perception of balance, but whatever).
    There are many reasons, but here are two purely utility based ones:
    1] Lack of FW detection. There are about SIX FW champs with detection, two of which are legs, and one is exo. Not good.
    2] Only five FW champs have shatter. One also has Recycle (Stitched Librarian).

    Those two things ALONE hurt FW quite a bit. There used to be more, but many of them lost their utilities after the revamp. This basically means that many of FW's themes simply don't have direct access to the things necessary to be competitive, and this ignores anything else that would hurt them.

    I could always be horribly wrong of course. :)
    Netherzen and TeaScholar like this.
  17. yobanchi

    yobanchi I need me some PIE!

    May be a little while before I open up theme threads honestly with work and a construction project.

    I'm more apt to wait until after Ronin Comes down as from what has been hinted at there are some big changes coming down the pipe with it.
    SireofSuns likes this.
  18. Ujelly

    Ujelly I need me some PIE!

    With fw is pally split.. ohh wait no more fw pallys :(

    Also he was a useful rune for decay when he had the ability. He could be put in decks that didn't include inhibit and give you some anti healing options. Especially now that decay and anthema suuxor. Now if your not running a decent amount of Inhibit you can't stop healing nor do we really heal to boot. That was the spot venger used to fit.
  19. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    since wr are talking about bloodcount i want to mention the vampyre theme which has been lost ever since the major changes done
    firstly is the nerf on EB and greater vampyrism which has cause alot of problem for healing i really hope that theu review GV again.Hope ronin gives us a new vampyre UD/FW so people will revive it
  20. Mister Tuggles

    Mister Tuggles I need me some PIE!

    I think Inkblight Witch needs to have Revel in Misery removed to drop her nora cost down significantly so that people actually run her. Most people running witches are running witching hour. Makes having this skill as a base pretty useless, and highly costly (I believe it is +12N cost)

    Also, I believe that curse should be removed from witches with EC, and replaced with Hex. Or, EC and Curse should be on the same upgrade path/remove curse as a base on all witches, give more flavor with a new ability or upgrade path. If they are already applying curse via EC/DMZ why do we have it as an upgrade or base on a lot of witches?

    Need more Pain Curse as well :)

    It is fun to have "theme decks", but if they are unplayable in a competitive manner then what is the point? You can say for fun, but no one is having fun if they are getting steamrolled with a deck they want to use.
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015

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