New (old) Player looking what's up

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Plaguedmind, Mar 4, 2014.

  1. Plaguedmind

    Plaguedmind New Member

    Hey guys. Im a former player looking to return with the transition to Desert Owl.

    I realise i need to catch up heavily, so I wanted to ask you guys what is considered the current meta for UD so i have somewhat of a base to build on again. :)

    Full battlegroups, strong rune combinations, strong single runes, any tips or tricks you can imagine, I'd love to hear it all from you!
    xRugolth likes this.
  2. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    30 Brutes is currently the way to go.
    #2014 #newmeta #DOGs
  3. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

  4. Plaguedmind

    Plaguedmind New Member

    Hmm. Isn't 4 detection champs a bit much? Im sure there are better options when you have 2 detection in there. Is stealth so prevalent these days?

    Also, You don't have to go all out on cheapness, I do have somewhat of a collection to work with once the forge arrives :p

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