New Player Problems

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by dragonistear, May 5, 2014.

  1. dragonistear

    dragonistear I need me some PIE!

    So this isn't going to be a QQ thread, but more of a look DOG, see if you agree with this and change thread.
    Keep flaming to a minimum.

    1. Grinding for an hour gives you approximately a third to half of minimum wage (calculated from a noob running dailies and potentially 1 game a day). It takes you a whole month and a half to get a extended box and about 3 weeks to get a core box (which no one buys anyways since the value of that is seriously lacking). Now this might be fine for you and me, but I noticed that new players now start out with NO cards and only preconstructed ones that they can't modify. So for a newb to grind for 1.5 months to finally get an extended box to build a BG, they should be able to, IMO, build a deck of their choice (barring large amounts of Exo/ any Leg/Li). From the extended pack I've recently opened, I barely made enough to trade in my wares for 4 Exo (+ 2 from the packs). And the 2 I got from those packs are not in the faction I wanted are are considered less valuable on PoxBox. So in the end, I was basically only able to get 4 Exo's that I wanted to add to my pre-existing deck and nothing more. BUT I have a pre-existing deck. New players don't. Say they fell in love with mirefolk/undertow preconstructed deck theme. Then logically, they should be able to make a simple deck of 2x Arcanists, 2x Songmasters, a few rares, etc, all within 1.5 months. But they can't. Which is a problem.

    Analogy to other games: In Urban Rivals, a strict 1 hour grind a day for 1.5 months can net you basically any deck you want (barring of course CR's which are equivalent to Li's or SUPER rares which are equivalent to Legs). LoL you can buy whatever champion you want. And maybe another 3 on top of that.

    TLDR: BG's take forever to grind out.

    Fix: I'm not sure how to fix this. Maybe a rewards program for playing day to day basis? maybe just sell individual runes? Because at the current state, no new players are willing to grind for 1.5 months and get nothing they want in return.

    2. Newbie environment isn't really that great. Battling only with preconstructed decks are fun up to a certain point. Then it becomes grindy as hell. You basically play against other preconstructed decks unless you go to battlegrounds in which you get crushed by super experienced pros. Not fun either.

    Fix: Easy. Try making a thread where pros make a deck (rarity not capped) and rotate two decks like that a week. Thus, new players don't feel like they are playing with the same thing over and over again. They have a feel of what a constructed deck looks like, and DOG can tempt them into buying since the deck will be rotated out within a few more days. of course, you can make these not rankable so that people who like a deck they see will cashshop readily until they get it to rank with.

    3. More to come if people think that I'm not just a ******* making dumb points.
  2. Goyo

    Goyo I need me some PIE!

    They were testing gold values (income and costs) so Ill guess they will improve it in the meantime. Balance patch first, bugs later, and this issues later.

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