New Pox Rank system suggestion including screenshots (Poll)

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by MentalMoles, Mar 13, 2014.


Do you think this new rank system would encourage you to play more ranked games?

  1. Yes Definately

  2. Maybe

  3. Around the same

  4. I'd play less

  1. MentalMoles

    MentalMoles I need me some PIE!

    I think I saw poxbrothers explain it. Its a model that would probably cause me never to play ranked again.
  2. only

    only Active Member

    well, he added that weird rule of core set. but besides that I like it. in general, I would like some rank generalization instead of those exact numbers.

    let's say

    Exotic League: 1-50
    Rare League: 51-151
    Uncommon League: 152-300
    Common League: +301

    you wouldn't see your rank, you (and everyone else) would just know your league. that's it. exp would work as they do now. players in lobby would be listed alphabetically.

    I guess people reading this are stunned like they think it would revome part of competition, but I think it's enough of boasting around. it might do better job for the community in the long run (to get along).

    like it could be that every 2 weeks they announce top50 in exp order (but without exact numbers with exp) and do META report with runes. I guess such "events" could be fresh. it might also prevent some Q dodging as well.
  3. MentalMoles

    MentalMoles I need me some PIE!

    I think Pox took a massive step backward when they changed the ranking system to Common, uncommon, rare, exotic and limited leagues. It complicates things UN-necessarily imo. Where is the motivation to play if you are already in the top league? Whilst suggestions are good, I think we should be aiming to increase competition and getting people to play more, not removing competition and making things more complicated.

    Not being able to see your rank removes any kind of competitve scene
    Taylor likes this.
  4. darkpally5

    darkpally5 I need me some PIE!

    Definitely like the idea here, the current ranked system is silly, seeing elo instantly update would feel much more rewarding
  5. Monyx

    Monyx I need me some PIE!

    yea after thinking about this a lil more i have to say i think this would drastically increase my ranked play.......for one im a chess player and i just understand these elo ratings alot better than i do our current system.....elo just makes sense to me...

    i think this should be implemented even if we dont get a real time updates.....and if real time isnt possible we should at least make it update several times per day. Say for instance it only updated 4 times per day(every 6 hours) that would be way better than our current situation.....but yea obviously more than that would be better if its possible.

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