Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by GAIAMASTERakaNANI, Feb 28, 2014.


    GAIAMASTERakaNANI The King of Potatoes

    Hello everyone

    I've searched the old forum and this new one about any topic whit some info of Ranking system, but didnt find nothing, so created this one.
    The thing is, the actual ranking system is broken, and it has been this way from months ago, till now.
    Will the new PoxNora have some different ranking system ?

    You guys (Players and Devs) have any suggestion or some info about this ?


    Update 03/02

    As i said.I made an infographic showing just an idea of how the New Ranked system could work.

    Fell free to opinate or discuss.

    PS* Please sorry for any english errors you may find, since i'm BR, im working out my english.

    Last edited: Mar 2, 2014
  2. Cortices

    Cortices Administrator Octopi

    We're open to suggestions but I don't think we've changed anything with rankings as we've had to address many other higher priority issues. What about it was broken and/or what would like to see changed?

    GAIAMASTERakaNANI The King of Potatoes

    Before i stopped playing PoxNora, my friends from my old guild "Made in Brazil" (probably the guild is dead now) , did an test in the Ranked Lobby.After some of them win against some high ranked player and others lose to the same player, they got different positions in the Rank.Atm i cant give the real results since it has been months i dont play Pox, but i can try to gather some info whit my mates and post it (because i'm at my job now :D).

    Idk but the information in the FAQ/Ranking in the PoxNora site is up-to date ? Is that the Ranking system that still going ?

    In my opinion the Ranking system should be more easier to understand or maybe change some things on it ?.

    I can throw some idea later to see where it goes.

    I fully understand you guys are having a crazy time whit all this transition SOE>DoG, but the Ranking info was something that came in my mind.

    Thanks again.
  4. Cortices

    Cortices Administrator Octopi

    I'll certainly add it to the list for review. Thanks for the input.
  5. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    It's completely god damn inconstant. There are days where I have gone 20-0 against all players higher rank than myself and gained like 5 exp and there has been days where I have won just 1 game and gained like 20 exp. There has even been days where I have won games and still lost exp ! Whatever way the system calculates exp gain and loss is flawed. It needs an overhaul badly.

    For a lot of us rank is the main reason we play, everyone has a competitive side and that holds true in Pox. Nothing is more sickening than spending a day grinding exp to try break back into top 5 and then getting no exp the next day. I would hope some sort of system could be implemented where by at the end of each game at the end of game screen it would tell you exactly how much exp you gained or lost. This would go a long way to giving rank back its credibility, but like I said the system itself is flawed and inconsistent, this has been proved and documented many times by many different players.
  6. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    One game on a unranked account puts you straight into top 50 limited, im praying that this is not working as intended and something will be done about this because it's very frustrating being in limited league and playing new players/rare leagues on alts.
  7. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    That's what happens when there are less than 100 active players mate. I don't think it's a problem with their system, but rather the number of people engaging in it.
  8. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    I have also noted this, so your concerns should be covered.

    If you do have ideas on how you would like to see things rectified we are definitely willing to take them under consideration. E.g. Flat win/loss ration versus tiered ranking brackets.

  9. GabrielQ

    GabrielQ I need me some PIE!

  10. Axeraiser

    Axeraiser I need me some PIE!

    That wouldn't work as people would just que dodge the good players and just farm the n00b's for the same amount of exp. That happens enough as it is.

    The current system, if it was working correctly, would be fine and an added way to determine exactly how much exp we are gaining , would go a long way to solve the current problem.
  11. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    I honestly think that something like the LoL system would work exceptionally well however im not sure if thats legally aloud. But if you dont know how the LoL ranking system works you have a bunch of tiers which in this case would be Common/Uncommon/Rare/Exo/Limited/PBM.

    For your chance to go up a tier you have to get x amount of LP (Could be changed to pox points to suit pox) and once on a 100 LP you must win 2 of your next 3 matches in order to advance to the next tier. It is also possible for people to get demoted, this would be done by losing 3 games in a row while on 0lp.

    All in all this generally means that limited players would be players who are at that skill level and you wont end up with new players stumbling straight into limited. Then if the game gets enough players again you can have it set so people in Rare league will mainly only match rare league or the occasional Exo/Uncommon league (It would be a good way to prevent limited players from farming low ranked if they can only play limited's and occasionally exo's)
  12. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    A set number of games where you are unranked would be nice. Play 10 games, then get placed. While unranked, it would favour low ranked/unranked enemies.

    Also, can you remove the 2v2 ranking system? I am pretty sure no one wants it and it confuses the whole ranked listing. This has been requested many times as 2v2 is

    a) Beta
    b) Not played as often by far (due to lack of balance, not lack of interest)
    c) As stated in (b), the ridiculous lack of balance making rankings pointless.
  13. s4ndm4ns

    s4ndm4ns I need me some PIE!

    Main issue with the system was that rank calculation wasn't done real time, hence at the time of calculation your opponents has already different rantings ... so you won vs someone with 1800exp right? at the time when rank is calculated he lost another 20 games and was at 1100...that wasn;t the case for 2v2 tho, where it all worked perfectly

    EDIT: do not remove 2v2 rankings! some of us play pox mainly 2v2
  14. only

    only Active Member

    most of these rank complains based on the current state is absurdly stupid. you're completely clueless on what is going on if you're not understanding that it is happening because almost all community left the game and the rank decayed to the oblivion.

    to put it simple, just reset ranks and almost all these rabbles will be solved.

    it would be handy to see rank gain/loss after each match though.
  15. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    No. The issues are not solved by a rank reset.

    Unless you see the amount of XP you gain or lose after each match, these problems will persist.
  16. Fikule

    Fikule I need me some PIE!

    May I ask, do you play it for the rankings?

    If so, do you feel the ranking for 2v2 is fair given the imbalance?

    I just don't see how the 2v2 ranking currently reflects any skill level possessed in 2v2. It either needs the balance people have asked for for a long time or the ranking needs removing.

    A compromise would be simply having a sort in the lobby so you can view solo ranks or team ranks rather than a jumble of both.
  17. NakedAmerica

    NakedAmerica The King of Potatoes

    So i've talked to several others about the rank system and we all have come to the conclusion that it's just not effective. A much better model would be win x games to get out of said league (i.e. uranked 10 games, uncommon 20 ect) and then base your position in your league on your w/l ratio for the current cycle. Have it reset whenever the cycle ends. Simple and more effective.
  18. only

    only Active Member

    I would like ranks to be not visible. they could do specific leagues.

    Exotic: 1-50
    Rare: 50-150
    Uncommon: 150-300
    Common: 300+

    you (and everyone else) would see your "league", but not the exact rank. ranks still would work as they do now (based on experience). players in ranked lobby would be placed alphabetically.
  19. Pedeguerra

    Pedeguerra I need me some PIE!

    Well, if someone could link the thread in SOE forums regarding this subject it would be awesome. There is a lot of valid info there.
  20. KTCAOP

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Which thread? Give me a few pointers in the right direction and I can dig it up.

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