New template for rider

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Woffleet, Apr 20, 2014.

  1. Woffleet

    Woffleet I need me some PIE!

    Current template: when this champion is destroyed champion x spawns in it's location

    Problems: Based off this template you cannot accurately apply nora for the overal champions. Turtle rider is a perfect example of this. If you subtract the cost of a boghopper and remove rider boghopper you end up with a 40 nora super tank that does practically o damage in todays meta. If the turtle was a seperate rune it would see play. As it currently works only the super efficent Riders such as Bloted Toad and Plains savage see play. Unless a champ is a game changer it won't see play at 100 + nora. That in addition to the fact that as a 1st turn deploy you'are pretty much throwing the game away.

    My Template:
    Activated Ability: AP 5

    Rider x, This champion is destroyed and Target adjacent champion x gains + 1 speed and all of this champions abilites, When champion x is destroyed this champion is respawaned with it's previous hp.

    For example:

    Bloted Toad is essentially a Massive Anuran and a boghopper combined. If Boghopper gained Rider Massive Anuran. Upon activation Massive Anuranwould gain +1spd block, doge, leap, and riposite. When Massive anuaran dies it would spawn boghopper in its place.

    Reasoning: I feel this template allows for thee rider ability to still exist in the game but not only on over powered runes. They resulting champion from after they combine is balanced because you paid 2 nora worth of champions for a single super champ. It also deals with the originally versions problems.

  2. Woffleet

    Woffleet I need me some PIE!

  3. RedScarlet

    RedScarlet I need me some PIE!

    I've had similar ideas but then complications came:

    1.) It will be used as a semi cleanse option because it involves a redeploying effect

    2.) It will be very limiting due to the specific champs that can use this ability. On the other hand, if you want to let other champs to have this ability, it will be abused via redeployment effects.
    or you can make that a keyword for Beast theme.

    Beast Rider: Y effects
    Target adjacent friendly champion with Nora Cost lower than this champion is removed from play and gains "Rider: X", while this champion gains Y effects. When this champion is removed from play, or destroyed, its Rider will be deployed on an adjacent space with its previous HP and status effects. This ability may be reactivated to cancel the Rider effects.

    works similar to Voil Progenitor's Take Refuge, but will not have that bad downside of "VP dies, your refuged champs dies too"
  4. Woffleet

    Woffleet I need me some PIE!

    what if it didn't respawn a champ. just gave target champ all of champion x's abilities

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