Nublin, the Piezer (SP Pie/Mysterious Gift supporter)

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by allyorbase, Jul 31, 2014.

  1. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Nublin, the Piezer
    Shattered Peaks

    Race: Moga
    Class: Shaman, Tinkerer
    Deck Limit: 1

    Flavor Text:
    "Yer askin' if the moustache is real? That's what has ya concerned?" -- Chowzer, Taskmaster

    You know exactly what he looks like, and it's awesome. He carries a large rucksack upon his back, and attacks with a crude cleaver.

    DMG: 8
    SPD: 6
    DEF: 0
    RNG: 1
    HP: 40​

    Attack: Physical
    Death Charged 1
    Mystery Meat (AP: 4, CD: 3) (champion form of Giving Tree relic's ability)
    Drop a Mysterious Gift on an open location within 2 spaces. This gift may have positive or negative effects.​
    Pie Time (AP: 0, CD: 1)
    Spend 2 Charges. Summon a Meat Pie relic within 4 spaces.​

    Upgrade 1:
    G'hernbound (default)
    Overseer: Moga 1 (+9 nora)
    Charged 1 (+11 nora)

    Upgrade 2:
    Supercharged 1 (-2 nora)
    Envenom 1 (default)
    Soul Collection (+2 nora)​
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2014
  2. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    So much flavor win. xD
    "Overseer: Moga", so funny. xD I love it.
  3. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    Thanks! I didn't mention it in the OP, but the deck limit would be 1. I guess that's a hard-coded thing now, as opposed to being an ability (Unique).
  4. Shell Dorado

    Shell Dorado The King of Potatoes

    Ha! Death Charged fueling the Meat Pie summoning, I love it! This is so perfect.
  5. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

    Hmm think soul collection would be auto upgrade on the second path. Not sure what to change it for. Otherwise I love it
  6. SaintKiwi

    SaintKiwi I need me some PIE!

    a form of getting charges should be on base. other than that i like your idea.
  7. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    Make him the fourth SP hero. Do it.
  8. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    As much as I'd love this, I feel Hyaenid deserve a hero first.
  9. allyorbase

    allyorbase I need me some PIE!

    He has Death Charged 1 on base. I didn't want pie-summoning to get too out of control, so if you want more charges, quicker, you have to sacrifice good upgrades, especially on the second upgrade line. The first upgrade line actually provides flexibility, there. If you're in a Moga BG, then death charged should suffice, but in other themes, like Voil or Cyclopes, you take Charged to get the ball rolling a bit more quickly.

    I was thinking he'd be like Mika, or Sarinda, et all... a humble named release. I agree with Soulmilk, otherwise: Hyaenid hero 2014!!
    soulmilk likes this.

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