Observations after a break

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by LoganMkv, Mar 13, 2015.

  1. LoganMkv

    LoganMkv I need me some PIE!

    I've been on a break for at least half a year, and, after a quick glance, most revamp-caused bs still doesn't look to be getting fixed.


    Tokens are back, yaaaay

    Still Bad

    0. Costing

    Champs with good stats that happen to have few low cost/consistently good abilities were actually buffed with the revamp.
    Passive/poor stat champs with good ability sets stayed about same.
    But champs with average stats and expensive/situational abilities became terribly overcosted.
    And of course there are countless abilities which are either overcosted standalone or undercosted in combination.

    1. Ability limit

    First of all, revamp produced lots of such abominations as "defenceless expensive champ". It doesn't really matter how cool your champ is, if it can die from a spell and 2-3 hits.
    Almost any 75+ champ just must have an extra permission/discount for a defensive ability, and 82+ better have 2.

    Another problem is cross-utility:
    Pre-revamp it was possible to get a complete utility-kit in almost all themes, and most themes even excelled in a certain utility being available on autos. Even if a theme lacked utility, it was usually available on fitting-everywhere swiss-knife supports.
    Now utility on key pieces became very rare, situational champs mostly have to sacrifice thematic synergy in order to get one, and even those swiss-knifes are crippled.

    2. Killed synergies/themes

    I made a list with completely killed themes/individual champs like two days after revamp. Still almost nothing was changed.
    In general, if a certain interaction was considered op, it should had been balanced on a champ level, but not completely removed.
    Easy example - summons instead of spawns. If people hated timmy, it was elementary to nerf him, but not cut a whole aspect of gameplay around spawns.
    Same for bfn, cast:x, and numerous other completely removed interactions.
  2. mortal ix

    mortal ix I need me some PIE!

    "If people hated timmy, it was elementary to nerf him" No popularity should have nothing to do in a balance setting, the only time this should be relevant is when a mechanic is so dull that the whole community is against it, because its not fun to play against. Nkd is an example such as that, because its not fun to play with or fun to play against. People can hate all sorts of things, me for instance are not very fond of relic contesting, people will still do it.
  3. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    In case you came along while he was away, the OP is not to be taken seriously. Let this fall to page 11 where it belongs.
    mortal ix likes this.

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