On Politicians

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by DarkJello, Jul 5, 2015.

  1. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    I hate most politicians. They are intraspecies predators. Next time ask me why I feel/believe a certain way before being astonished.
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I see you take jabs at Obama often, not at other politicians. So my hypothesis was wrong, but in my right, justified.
  3. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    YOU posted the pic of Obama, not me. If YOU had posted a pic of John Boehner, I would have given an identical reply.
  4. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Did you read the part where I said that I've seen you take jabs at Obama before, thus reinforcing my hypothesis?
  5. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    oh yeah this needed its own thread
  6. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    wasn't my move, but in fairness to whichever mod (i have my suspicions) made it, discussions of anything remotely political tend to sidetrack fast. the pox forums have opened up a bit in terms of letting more poli-talk go through, but in the middle of another thread it can be a tad much
  7. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    So you want me to treat Obama with kid gloves? I think the media and the vast majority of "free" Americans are doing enough of that already.

    Barack Hussein Obama is the POTUS, so of course he will get more attention than others. Hopeful they, the dems and repubs raping humanity, will rue the day.
  8. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

    politicians do suck p hard
    Anima26, Ohmin and DarkJello like this.
  9. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Man, you're getting awfully upset about me using a picture of obama that could have been any other picture with the same message, whatever dude.
  10. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    this always rings my curiosity bell (YEAH GOOD METAPHOR DAGDA WOO)- why is it that people say Barack Hussein Obama so much more than they ever said George whateverthat-W-standsfor Bush. you can say it's just a name, but Hussein's got a lot more negative connotations recently (though they're fading, round here) than whateverthat-W-standsfor does (aside from Hussein pretty obviously implying that HE AIN'T FROM AROUN HURR). and if it is just a name, why focus on his and not Dubya's? to a point it feels like a ridiculous singling out over a petty (and irrelevant) facet of the guy's character/career

    to be clear, this is more a general point about all the times i've heard this done where i'm, yno, fairly sure that the speaker is, if not racist, then at least something of an ******* pandering to uninformed guppies. this is not quite as much about your post, although it was prompted by it.
    Atherhog likes this.
  11. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    He has fostered the greatest divide we've seen. GWB dug the trench, but Obummer brought out a tractor and we've got a bunch of thems and yous in politics and everywhere else. His legacy is a mess. IDC who gets on office next, guaranteed it will be another ******* because there hasn't been anyone worth their salt since Regan. All of the hopefuls on both sides are trash. But one of them will win because they'll say the right things and the sheeple will vote them in.

    Then I'll be back in 8 years saying the same thing with different names. The system is horrible and horribly broken in all areas outside of self preservation.
    DarkJello and Ohmin like this.
  12. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty

    I can't speak for everyone of course, but...

    That typifies part of it.

    The fact is, Obama billed himself as someone who would shut down Gitmo and other black sites where suspected terrorists were being held and tortured without due process. That he would withdraw our troops from Iraq and look for peaceful solutions rather than, say, get involved with supporting Islamic radicals and wars in several other nations within the region.

    If he's hated more than Bush Jr., it's because Obama not only continued most of his absolutely terrible foreign and military policies, including aforementioned imprisonment, assassinations, and the drone strikes which have killed more innocents than not. That he continued to support terrible domestic policies including the aforementioned illegal (and yes, it is illegal) data collection of everyone with a phone or internet connection. That he additionally continuously takes action supporting secret legislation or his supposed ability to change law through executive order. But that his entire platform was largely based on saying he would do the opposite of all of these things.

    Plus, he seems more competent than Bush, so he gets more flak while for Bush a lot was shared with Cheney.

    In other words, the reason why Obama is "so hated by Americans" is that he is a Bane Shift President, acts in many ways like a tyrant, and is a liar and a criminal. A lot of these things aren't new to politicians, but we're getting rather sick and tired of putting up with that bullshit, so not only does each President seem to get worse on these fronts, but the built-up disgust at previous administrations doing much the same is still there.

    I think people hated Bush Jr. more than Clinton, and they both had a lot of the same stuff going on (minus the sexual affairs afaik). I wasn't politically conscious enough, but I wouldn't be surprised if Clinton was hated more than Bush Sr.

    A large part of this is to distinguish him from his father: George Herbert Walker Bush. Both George Walker Bush and his father wanted to drop "Jr." as the identifying thing aside from "Herbert" since the guy's running for President and all. The media obliged, more or less, and it's generally how his PR refered to him. "Dubbya" became a bit of a nickname as a result (and movie title iirc).

    Barak Hussein Obama on the other hand generally avoided his middle name entirely, for understandable reasons given the war going on at the time of his political ascendency. Some people point it out anyway because they believe in proper names, or that he's basically "hiding" it or some other stupid nonsense. Meanwhile, there's not really anything to "hide" with "Walker." If anything, it might remind people of Walker, Texas Ranger and thus Chuck Norris, which has a positive connotation. So those that support Obama go with not bothering to spell it out and those that don't might be more inclined to (waste of time in my opinion). While those that support "dubbya" will go with the folksy(?) name he put forward, and those that don't won't be inclined to subtly and unintentionally tie him to Mr. Norris in the minds of people familiar with the show. Since people tended to spell out Bush Sr.'s name, it helped differentiate them as well, as I said.

    At least that's my guess. There may be other reasons for individuals which I'm not privy too, but as far as general society I'm pretty sure that's why.
    DarkJello and Baskitkase like this.
  13. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    I was only upset with you a tiny bit. We ironed it out though. If I implied otherwise, then that is mostly on me for not being clearer. No worries man.

    But I am OUTRAGED at the traitor-in-chief (AKA POTUS) that is currently running the most dangerous cartel in the world.

    The sheeple need to wake the flock up (I did not invent that phrase myself), but I am done holding my breath. Good day to all.


    Overlord of Gelatin
  14. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Some of them entirely innocent people. The US population tolerates the abduction, torture and murder of innocent people, and wonders when people don't mind killing them either.
    DarkJello likes this.
  15. Bellagion

    Bellagion I need me some PIE!

    oh boy this thread
  16. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    out of curiosity, jello, if there was one current US politician who currently espoused most/all of your beliefs, who would that be? assuming there is one
  17. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Ben Carson, I guess. Probs because he is NOT from the political (AKA aristocracy) class.

    Bobby Jindal seems decent. Maybe Cruz or Paul. Pretty much anyone I think would actually kick the hornets' nest into a corner.

    Ohmin said: ↑
    The fact is, Obama billed himself as someone who would shut down Gitmo and other black sites where suspected terrorists were being held and tortured without due process.

    Boozha replied:
    Some of them entirely innocent people. The US population tolerates the abduction, torture and murder of innocent people, and wonders when people don't mind killing them either.

    It is ok to bomb tens of thousands of innocent peeps into oblivion if you have a Nobel Peace Prize. Didn't you get the memo? ;)
  18. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    I think many of us in Europe have a fascination with US politics as a kind of soap opera with consequences.

    Which, given the historical significance of his election he became the 'good guy' to GWBs 'bad guy'. Which is partly based on his overcoming of what is a still perceived as a racist country (not that this is necessarily fair compared to much of Europe) but also that he valued social justice over US right wing economics. So I think Europeans made the mistake of seeing him as one of us.

    But ultimately he isn't, and while he may be more left leaning than other Americans he is still a product of that culture, which we think is familiar from media, and US friends, but is still to large degree, alien.

    I still feel like he's a good guy for the most part, just in a bad system (not saying the UK system is better) but i could be wrong.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  19. DarkJello

    DarkJello I need me some PIE!

    Krapitalism is not a "bad system", it is violence and theft and **** and murder. I have yet to see even 1 thing he has done to harm Krapitalism.
  20. Sokolov

    Sokolov The One True Cactuar Octopi

    As a non-American who follows US politics pretty closely, the Obama hate baffles me.

    Half the stuff people blame Obama was for actually started by Bush or Reagan (Reagan phones, anyone?). And all the silly nicknames and such is funny to me too. Americans seem to be fetishise the American flag as a symbol of "freedom" and "democracy" but then have no problem attacking their own President and treating him with disrespect. Was he not democratically elected? Is he not, in essence, a symbol of your democracy? Disagree with his decisions, fine, but there's no reason to call his wife a fat cow or whatever else is trending on twitter these days.

    Soon after he was in office, he was already being blamed for gas prices rising because he was pro-green energy. Irony is that the same people who blamed him for that are now saying gas prices being low has nothing to do with Obama. Funny how that works. Of course, it's also funny that oil production declined during Bush and increased under Obama despite Obama's allegedly anti-oil stance/policies.

    In my view, he has done little to deserve the hate, at least not any more than any previous Presidents. It's easy to promise things when you are running for office, but when you actually get in office and faced with all the actual details of what the changes would entail, it isn't as easy.

    I also don't understand comments calling him a tyrant - it's almost like Americans don't understand their own political system.

    To be clear, I think the Bush hate was pretty silly too most of the time - it was a difficult time and he probably just did what he thought was best given the available information. The Patriot Act is an insane piece of legislation that passed 98 to 1, people hate what it's being used for and what it is being used to justify, but it's not like it stops most of them from being re-elected (a different problem, I realize, but still silly to consider).

    But at least with Bush there's now solid evidence of actual crimes re: torture that can be attributed to Bush, yet barely anyone calls for his head. (And in this very thread it seems to be pinned on Obama instead.)

    Of course, people gave up the whole "Occupy Wallstreet" stunt also, and now live happily knowing hardly anyone who perpetrated the financial crisis was held responsible in any way, yay for justice!


    Re: Gitmo, you think Obama hasn't tried? If you follow some of the appropriation bills and other such things, you will find that Congress has made changing Gitmo practically impossible for Obama. You only have so much political capital to spend to get what you want done, and with the recent sessions of Congress being particular anti-Obama (this is no secret to anyone following and is quite silly that you can have politicians outright stating that they are there to make the Presidents' job difficult instead of helping him run the country is insanity), I can imagine Gitmo's priority dropping down. Now, I am not happy that it isn't closed, but I also sympathize with the fact that he simply cannot do whatever he wants (not matter how many claim he is doing so), and personally I think anyone responsible for Gitmo should be tried.


    Oh, and the "secret legislation" thing is probably about the current fast-tracking of the TPP. This is standard procedure for trade deals. You'd never get one of these done if everyone knew all the details as it was being struck AND Congress could change it after negotiations were done.
    Last edited: Jul 7, 2015
    KingJad and BurnPyro like this.

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