Ooze Tap Broken

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Atherhog, Jun 26, 2014.

  1. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    Just played a game where we were both Slags.

    I had an ooze tap champ out, so did he.

    Resulted in every champ taking damage when moving over ooze.

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    Hrm… it seems that by the pure description it is working properly.

    Screen Shot 2014-06-27 at 12.44.04 PM.png

    Though I'm not entirely certain that this is how it was intended.
  3. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    But they only take damage if they are within 6 spaces right?
  4. Atherhog

    Atherhog I need me some PIE!

    That's right Senshu, and they were taking damage all over the board. Since this, there have been occasions when I haven't been playing against slags and my slags have taken ooze dmg when moving. Suggesting it's my own ooze tap champ causing the dmg.

    Other issue potentially linked to this:

    At time, my own slags become engaged to each other and I can not move out of engagement.

    I'll try and pin point what triggers this, but not sure atm

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