Player Awards

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Malosi, Apr 18, 2014.

  1. Malosi

    Malosi The King of Potatoes

    Seeing the recent contest "Build a BG" and the announcement of the return of Player Awards made me very happy.

    It's been a few years since I posted this thought but with dOg and this new announcement, it may not fall on deaf ears.

    When I first started playing Pox, I was a casual player at best, until I learned about the Ironman Award. All I had to do to earn the medal on my profile was log in and play 3x ranked games that lasted over 5 min each. I didn't need to win, I just needed to play.

    What this did was get me in the habit of logging in and playing. By doing so, it gained me experience that helped me learn the in's and outs of the game and grow in skill level, bridging my learning gap with a reward that only required my participation.

    I would love to see things like the Ironman return.

    I know they are difficult and time consuming. (each one having to be manually added to each account if I recall correctly.) But that is time well invested into the community. IMO

    What other player awards would you like to see?

    What's the most creative one you've seen on someone else's profile?
    Goyo and DarkJello like this.
  2. MentalMoles

    MentalMoles I need me some PIE!

  3. Malosi

    Malosi The King of Potatoes

    Yeah, just saw it and posted...please redirect all comments to that thread. :p

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