Player council Please read and Consider

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Redashes, Jun 1, 2014.


Re-skin old runes? Such as harbinger and others and fix them to angels.

Poll closed Jun 3, 2014.
  1. yes

  2. no

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Redashes

    Redashes The King of Potatoes

    I asked this question before and it got skipped over i believe its because you guys are busy with the transfer of the game, but ill ask it again if you could please answer when you get a chance.
    Will you consider re-skinning some pox rune's so new players can have them as well. I own one UD harbinger and I am okay with this, or consider just reissuing them out in the core set as a chance to be obtained . I would like the opportunity to get more and play with them in other factions as well. Also will you consider reverting initiative back to what it use to be. IF your not planing on re-skinning can it at-least be considered a angel so they go better in themes and what are the plans for the future with runes like this.
  2. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    None of these questions are really right for the player council. They have no power to make any of these happen. Thats all the devs.
  3. Redashes

    Redashes The King of Potatoes

    I thought the point of the playeer council was to hear our voice and review over each other and present the information to the devs so the common player has a voice. If this is not the case, I feel there should be a thread made for the player council to have issues where players can suggest and vote on what the player council can bring to the board for the common player.
  4. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    While in a larger game that is likely how a council would be used, Pox is small enough that the devs are very involved with the players on a daily basis. The council simply reviews stuff a little early to make sure there are no glaring issues that may have been missed.
  5. Paper Skull

    Paper Skull I need me some PIE!

    Some dev said a while ago that it's on some list, but very low on said list.

    The deal is that the angels look so similar to begin with, and there's no easy way to differentiate them.

    It's definitely not the player council's job in the slightest, pretty much only PoxZuo.
    Redashes likes this.
  6. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Harbs and Renovators need their names changed like the doomys. Its a pain to search one of them on the trader having 8 with the same name Dx

    PS: Angels needs to loose intencify. At least the healing part of it (knights got axed for the same reason)
    Redashes likes this.
  7. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    I doubt any of the PDC are holding town meetings in their faction forums and building a consensus, but I could be wrong. I would prefer they not do that tbh other than maybe keeping tabs on what the other experienced players in their faction have to say.
  8. Xiape

    Xiape I need me some PIE!

    Please read about what the player council actually does.

    The developers read these threads.
  9. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    markoth has basically summed up anything i would've said in response to the op

    also @ragoo, generally the upper crust in pox is kind of aware of one another/on the same overall wavelengths. doesn't even need to be same faction necessarily. there are clashes here and there, but the majority of stuff gets agreed on in my experience (that does depend on your definition of "upper crust", in all fairness). so far as asking the community what it wants goes, if i were to go make a thread in the SL forums right now asking everyone what runes they wanted to be totally badass after the revamp (or whatever) i'd get more responses than i wanted. actively seeking out this information seems like it would just complicate things because the players of this game will always think of something more to want (not that there's anything wrong with that necessarily, but it's true)
  10. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    so it works the way I said I hoped it did. good.
  11. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    I would like to select option 3: someone please destroy this thread

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