Please help with my speed battlegroup!

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by Elves Rule, Mar 15, 2014.

  1. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

  2. TheNidhogg

    TheNidhogg I need me some PIE!

    Things like Leap or Tele count as 1 square for blitz.
  3. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    So if you leap 4 squares then you get 1 damage? That's crap.
  4. Prami

    Prami I need me some PIE!

    Agreed, this should be changed. Relocation should count for all spaces moved through, or for a set amount when relocating (3?).
  5. Elves Rule

    Elves Rule I need me some PIE!

    Any ideas on improvements for this?
  6. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    + Banner, - 3 or 4 champs, + Elven Bard (AP gen is your friend in a blitz focused group), some aoe spells (nature's wrath, thorn collection, stellar horizon). If you have a slag, you should probably add catharsis bloom and combined effort or cut the slag.

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