possible solution for vex

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by ykmmmm, Aug 13, 2014.

  1. ykmmmm

    ykmmmm Member

    Give her atack charge rank 3 instead 1
    and deploy charge rank 1
    and divine wellsping range 6 or 7 and consume 3 charges every time she save some one skin
    since deploy charge is on upgrade selection swap it with attack charges
  2. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Or you could learn how to not play standard.
  3. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Or you could stop defending a boring and idiotic design
  4. devrn

    devrn I need me some PIE!

    What's there to defend? Vex is a pretty bad rune.
  5. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Yes, but one that makes you win in silly ways now and then and drags you down the rest of the time. A redesign is in order.
  6. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    Her design doesn't change for Bane Shift with this change. The problem is divine wellspring, not how she gets charges or range or this or that. It's a dumb mechanic that's either going to be broken or unplayable. These changes are horrendous, they don't change nothing. Just remove divine wellspring from the game so we can get an SL hero that's consistent instead of a one trick pony.

    Those changes would make no difference to the cries about Vex. If you can't beat her now then you can't beat her in this state. Vex requires you to beat her by planning and not being a ******. Two things most Pox players refuse to do in their games.
    WraithxxV and SPiEkY like this.
  7. ykmmmm

    ykmmmm Member

    i m up with you on removing divine W , but if they don't at least this change will reduce the abuse on her cause will force her to come mele then making easier to get rid of in not with specific spells or combo not all faction or decks have , yea planification is in order but some time players just keep her back and trow meat shield in front you just can't get her not to mention in 2vs2 , so this change will not reduce to mutch her Bane Shift but sure will force you position her better and actualy think using her not just a pillar of immortality ,and make her more vulnerable not just let her back and keep feed charges
  8. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    already being nerfed with every other hero.
  9. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    Eh, I've beaten Vex in a lot of situations, but a few I've seen and played have simply been insurmountable. Personally, either I was playing a common-rare bg (or something else without the proper tools) or she was a first/really early deploy on the enemy's side.

    Can't simultaneously blame the mechanic and call it stupid while blaming players who 'refuse to plan.' It's really one or the other, and I definitely just think it's a dumb mechanic (Think DoC Magnus with 1 hit kill power, 200+ hp, Lifedrinker, Impenetrable and Shielded -- reason Last Stand was removed from ranked/reworked).

    I try to get as much as possible from games/discern what I personally could've done better and the games I lost to Vex nothing was to be learned. Sure some people are awful at her/hate her 1 trick pony design but it's always cringe worthy when a player who's actually well versed in positioning utilizes her (thankfully most of these players agree it makes for a boring, if not broken, game so they seldom do so for very long).
    But yeah this is the only rune I've seen singlehandedly cause a rare league player > Limited (not referring to myself). It's entertaining in the beginning, as the match goes on it always seems ridiculous, and when you see it for more than a match/observe players who absolutely crutch on the rune it's hard not to grow a severe distaste for it.

    One thing I never understood is that Bliss' Mechanic was changed ( I blame fairies and adaptive), and I can agree on the grounds of it changing -- though it was a fun win-condition rather than just outright uncounterability for the opponent -- Vex has been this way for as long as I can remember. With so many runes changing and losing their iconic abilities (some for the better), it's shocking to see how long Vex has stayed the same.
  10. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I can because Vex isn't as horribly broken as people make her out to be, mostly because they're bad.

    The mechanic is dumb because it can potentially solo win games, but the times where it actually does happens far less than people make it out to be. Vex comes close to a "counter or lose" mechanic, but it's not. I have had 30 charge vex's against Tiny & Devils and she didn't use one charge the whole game before she died. She's a gimmick, but not a game winning one. She only single handedly wins you the game when the other guy is either bad or running a Bane Shift battlegroup.

    Give me any scenario in which Vex and only Vex wins a game like AA can.
  11. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    I would have surrendered out of shame just for deploying Vex at that level.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  12. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    By that logic Devils and Tiny should quit the game.
  13. ykmmmm

    ykmmmm Member

    stop calling people bad cause can t counter her , most of us can get rid of her but if you don't rune specific rune (early deploy or 2vs2)some time she can make win games even for turd doing nothing, stop defending her and call people noob if you use her often you are too, i personaly don't want run always specific rune only to **** vex , face it is she is just broken .
  14. calisk

    calisk I need me some PIE!

    I don't think ive triggered vexes ability in quite awhile, but that's because attacking into it's ability is a waste of time you avoid wasting attacks on things until you can kill vex first.

    it operates exactly like NKD does I rarely see NKD triggered unless they can one round the champ in the same round, every other turn nothing happensm doesn't mean it's not having an effect on the battle though.

    I don't think vex is as crazy as talagar and his 5 nora equip.
  15. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Last time I fought Vex I knocked one champ out of her range, then nuked her with PHS. Bodyguard would have ruined me though.
  16. ykmmmm

    ykmmmm Member

    not always an option when immortal stuff with high damage and resilent (regeneration etc)stomp your unit and her range DW help her stay far away from combat so returning to square 1 if you don't have specific rune she can make a player win only deploying , and NKD is vulnerable to aoe aura demage etc paralize stun and other stuff pls don't compare them
  17. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    If you're too bad to counter her, you are probably bad or running bad decks. She's not AA. I'm just going to ignore the 2vs2 comment, let's have a look at early game vex. Is a first turn Vex worse than an AA. Or than a sweet nora gen turn. Or a double deploy. Or insert 1v1 wreckage champ.

    Tell me what faction(s) you play, go on. Clearly if you don't run anything to counter Vex you should lose a lot of games because all her counters are also counters against champs where you'd need spot removal or just general planning. Bad deckbuilding is your fault, especially since all the meta options to counter Vex are right there.

    Yeah I am calling you bad. Because you everything you write indicates so. 37% winrate with mostly 2v2 games in your match history proves me right. Still butthurt over losing to 2v2s that are more imbalanced then your own?

    Rock on, Joker.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2014
  18. SaintKiwi

    SaintKiwi I need me some PIE!

    "possible solution for vex"

    How dare you she is not some dog that needs to get her tubes tied. She's a Firking dragon goddess. Show some respect around here.
  19. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Okay, she's an ugly lizard that needs her tubes tied.
  20. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    Vex's current ability, divine wellspring: While this champion has at least 8 charges, friendly champions within 8 spaces HP can not fall below 1 HP. When this ability prevents a champion's hp from falling below 1 Hp, that champion is cleansed, and this champion losses two charges.

    I think ykmmmm states an interesting solution. I would like to see something that makes it so vex can loss less then 6 charges. Something like: when a champion is prevented from dieing, or dies within 8 spaces of vex, this champion losses two charges. (this champion being Vex)

    That way it is possible to get Vex down to zero charges if you get your offense rolling, without the assistance spells. Thus making it harder to keep divine wellspring going if you are getting steam rolled.

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