Power is now inversely proportional to rarity.

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Squama, Jul 2, 2014.

  1. Squama

    Squama I need me some PIE!

    ...may this have a sense? Common runes much better (or at least more efficient) than legends or limited? What's the point of having the most rare runes now?

    I think rarity=power (as it was before revamp) was a bad thing, and it was a good idea to address this.
    But more rare = more crappy does not make any sense...
  2. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    I think its important to give both new and old players alike something to look forward to obtaining. that doesn't necessarily equate to rarity = power but could be rarity = unique or rarity = interesting. I certainly think something needs to be done as leaving them in their current state is a bad idea but reverting them back to what they previously represented will be contrary to what the revamp was intended to do and something we don't want to happen again.
  3. KelRama

    KelRama The King of Potatoes

    To get the best runes to be the strongest is totally pay-to-win. That ruined Pox while SOE had the game.
    Tarathil likes this.
  4. Thbigchief

    Thbigchief I need me some PIE!

    - We have to be realistic. You cant let it be pay2win but it also cant be pay4crap. The higher rarities have to have access to more unique skillets that when compared to a common counterpart ...yes should prolly be more "useful" but not necessarily vanilla power. There in lies the design challenge.

    - Its a tough situation. Have to make money while maintaining design integrity ...annnnd make all the free players feel competitive. Good luck, I'll take an easy job like the president over a game designer...yolo.
  5. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    If limited/legendary champions where 1/50 compared to the other rarities (which is what currently stands ~ for MOST TCGs), then this would be the case. Since in Pox 1/6 champions is leg/LE than no, they dont have to be good, they dont have to be strong, they don't have to be interesting, they don't have to be anything. Having so many makes the rarity in itself lose its value. This is quite basic in my humble opinion, and I'd really be glad if someone can have a constructive disagreement with me on this.
  6. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Usually the more rare champs are the more expensive ones, and the more expensive ones got hit. Thus it is not an innate nerf to rarity but derived from the changes by cost. I suppose it will be addressed.
  7. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    I always wanted it to be Rarity=Complexity. So while a C tank would have decent stats and perhaps a single defensive ability a Exo tank would have a greater breadth of defensive abilities to deal with your various tanking needs but with less specific efficiency overall.
    Grillado likes this.
  8. Squama

    Squama I need me some PIE!

    I agree. The problem now is that they are not more interesting that commons... in some cases, like korona, they are even more boring... i hope this will be addressed.

    I understand your point, and i agree that there are too many "limited" things... anyway, they are much harder to obtain that common, so there should be some kind of "reward" that push players to try to get them... it could be "a bit more powerful" (not too much), it could be "more interesting", it could be "more complex"... but there should be something.
    Otherwise, as in the current state, their existence has no sense at all.
    Grillado likes this.
  9. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    All this is nullified by the fact that there's so many of them. So the only reward should be coolness (aka artwork & unique/interesting abilites), nothing more.

    Edit: In my opinion, ofcourse.
    Grillado likes this.
  10. Grillado

    Grillado I need me some PIE!

    Give the newer exos/legs/limited more purpose and harder to master (e.g. low hp on a melee champ/ only strong in certain scenarios)

    Give the oldest exos/legs to new players for free and make them abilityless and strongest (so that they are the easy to understand and easy to master)

    Maybe limit the amount of per bg - maybe max 4rare/3exos/2leg(or limited) and every one can be translated to a lower one so its possible to play 9 rare and the rest c/uc.

    Just some ideas :) - criticism is welcome
  11. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    The problem with this is, by your own statement, it could be argued they are so common there is no reason not to change them as they are easily accessible, meaning power wouldn't be an issue as everyone would be able have one and use it.

    Commons for instance are some of the most powerful runes in the game currently and are more powerful than pretty much everything else in a lot of instances and at the same time are the MOST common runes in the game. The current design of the game contradicts your statement because if legendary runes are so common, like actual commons, then they can be just as powerful as common runes are now as accessibility isn't a limiting factor.

    The argument to change runes presented before the revamp was that they weren't accessible to new players or returning players but were runes you had to have to compete. your argument seems to go against this belief as you are describing them as too common.
  12. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    I never said they are easily accessible.
    Also, the current design of the game does NOT contradict my statement: runes up to exos are currently strongest and +exo runes are weaker but cooler (or at least will be made cooler in the immeadiate future) but they are not stronger and they don't need to be made stronger.
    Rarity =/= power.
  13. bagoftrick

    bagoftrick I need me some PIE!

    just to quote some of your previous statements.
    'there's so many of them' means too common = accessible.
    'If limited/legendary champions where 1/50 compared to the other rarities (which is what currently stands ~ for MOST TCGs), then this would be the case. Since in Pox 1/6 champions is leg/LE' means too common = accessible
    ' Having so many' means too common = accessible

    Rarity =/= power. I don't really believe this statement to be true. it might be after subsequent changes but at the moment this isn't the case.
  14. Morfeas

    Morfeas I need me some PIE!

    WOW NO
    what the hell man
    too many =/= too common =/= accessible
    you disappoint me deeply :(
  15. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    My issue is that the sprites for legendary champs seemed like they were better looking/had more attention dedicated to them. Now the best units seem to have older/uglier sprites. That's important, even though it's a cosmetic issue.

    My second issue is that legendary runes had interesting combinations of abilities, and that balancing these combinations in a deck made the game challenging from a deck-building point of view. To use one example, enforcer's key abilities were aura, regen, and bold. He should probably have lower baseline stats relatively to a unit with none of those abilities (or a higher cost), but now I don't have the option to deploy a champion with that ability set...so he's just less interesting and overall I feel like there is less diversity among champs. Maybe I'm really complaining about simplifying the # of abilities on a unit (which I thought was about reducing clutter/extraneous abilities, and not about making every melee champ a 3 ability beat stick), or maybe I'm complaining about the wrong abilities being put onto units or being force to select an upgrade from a tree that doesn't really fit the unit, but I find that I have fewer choices to make or synergies to balance in decks now.
  16. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    I can't bring myself to use =/=, in my mind not equal should be <>, or if you're going old school, !=, but I digress.

    For most of Pox's existence, rarity <> power. Then the 150k and angels came along. Those are the only examples I can think of that rarity = power. I felt as many of you that rarity and power were going hand in hand, until I talked to @Sokolov and he proved to me that it was more evenly distributed than I had believed. I was guilty of confirmation bias.

    I only looked at one example, but this is what I think the problem is as far as rarity. When I look at Broken Shard, SL faction, there are 3 common, 2 uncommon, 2 rare, and 2 exotic. There's also one limited, which was a 500k slight variation to Ruthless Netmaster.

    When you buy a pack, you get 6 commons, 3 uncommons, and 1 rare, with a 10% chance of that being an exotic.

    Comparing this to Magic: The Gathering, since it is a successful CCG, and one I am familiar with, as of 2008, they changed to release less rares than commons and uncommons per set.

    M:TG booster packs come with 1 land which is irrelevant in this case, 10 commons, 3 uncommons, 1 rare, with a 12.5% chance of the rare being a mythic rare.

    The latest two releases, Born of the Gods and Journey into Nyx, are 60 commons, 60 uncommons, 35 rares, and 10 mythic rares. To put that closer to Pox numbers, I'll just drop it by a factor of 20. 3 commons, 3 uncommons, 1.75 rares, and .5 mythic rares. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Magic:_The_Gathering_sets

    I feel this reinforces what @Morfeas is saying. There are too many exotics released in relation to the quantity of lower rarities, which has made exotics and higher inaccessible to the average player. This is not even taking into account that due to rarity <> power, one exotic is not worth the same as another. There may be 16 exotics released in an expansion, but perhaps only 4 of those are meta, which means they are even less accessible through trade due to the higher value placed on them by the community.
    Grillado and Morfeas like this.
  17. dbouya

    dbouya I need me some PIE!

    rarity seems to increase cost and complexity. yes. that is probably okay.

    rarity doesn't make runes worse, rare runes were all just nerfed to bring them down to EQUAL footing with commons. Sony made all their $$$ selling super duper OP runes, and players got used to it. grow up.
    Grillado and Morfeas like this.
  18. Grillado

    Grillado I need me some PIE!

    I understand that this exo/leg nerf is needed in order to keep balance and create a meta which does not only consists out of exos/legs.
    Make them harder to play, limit the amount of exos/legs per bg, but removing all the characteristics of the exos or just nerf them till they are so weak noone will ever play them anymore, doesnt seem right to me.
    (Which isnt the case for all exos/legs)
  19. Querthose

    Querthose The King of Potatoes

    Yeah, it definitely seems as though all of the Exo/Leg/Lim runes suddenly got costed right into the shoebox. I'm all for making the other runes more useable- that's key. But I'm now hard pressed to find a decent Exo/Lim/Leg for under 90 nora. That's not going to work for meta- especially when the power differential between these runes and lower rarity runes isn't very big right now.
    Grillado likes this.

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