Pox Nora Revamp - Preview 2

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by PoxZuo, Apr 24, 2014.

  1. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    Here's a suggestion that would fix all the problems... Get rid of the whole leveling/CP system, forget about adjusting nora costs it adds so much more complexity, just manually remove a lot of fluff on champs to deal with power creep. Quickest and fastest fix is to remove the leveling system and keep the skill choices the way they are now, with adjustments and removals.

    Before you do all that and destroy the whole system, make runes cheaper and more accessible so people could recover from their broken decks after revamp. Don't make farming gold more painful than it already is with a broken non synergized deck.

    PS OWL Why are you trying to make the game more complex again by restricting combinations of upgrades in this new system with arbitrary nora costs that make no sense? More balancing nightmare, more time to adjust and keep players frustrated, you can't afford to do this right now.
  2. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    Allow me to reiterate the importance of making the game more accessible before you do a massive overhaul on game balance; lets say just when I spend 2 months grinding dailies and campaigns and make a proper budget deck, a revamp happens and I'm sure a lot of deck synergies go out of whack, not to mention the free decks we get are going to be broken as well, those free decks we get aren't the most smoothly designed to begin with and I know I'm not gonna hang around playing broken clunky decks waiting for 5 or 6 months of massive balance patches so we can begin to play the game again, would you? After revamp we still have the terrible shard system, terrible pricing of gold, terrible gold accrue, add to the fact that there's a whole destroyed game balance and any decks you threw together before including the new free to play decks are out of whack and don't work smoothly, why play? Grinding vs bots will take even longer compared to now because we no longer have tools as efficient as pre-vamp. Think about it.
  3. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    The Revamp is critically important before anything else because Pox Nora's balance is out of whack. Accessibility of runes is higher than ever before, before we couldn't buy packs or craft any individual rune. You had to trade them off of someone who had them. If you wanted to get into the game before with a half decent deck you needed to grind at least up to Sarinda, preferably up to a 150k, before you had the trade fodder to build a decent deck which took months.
  4. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    actually authyrtyr the goldstore had some advantages over this current f2p system. the ability to grind gold and then turn that gold directly into a card was useful (as a new player). Since I gave away my collection before DoG took over, I am again trying to rebuild a few decks using the f2p route, and this system while it may make some exotics and rares easier to get, is not as satisfying early on. It reminds of when people were saying to save your gold until you can buy a 75k as trade fodder for poxbox. That may have been the most cost effective plan, but it was too slow for a new player to realistically do. If you want people to get addicted, they have to see progression in their collection on a daily basis, because that's what other games are offering.
    Saka likes this.
  5. HalfGodBro

    HalfGodBro The King of Potatoes

    awww i cant wait for this revamp :O
  6. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    As Ragic already pointed out, accessibility of runes is lower than before. Now you still have to trade to get your runes more than ever. Now if you want to get into the game to get half decent decks you better grind up 150k gold and buy 5 boxes to get the trade fodder to build a decent deck which still takes months, and longer than before.

    What OWL did was present a system which not only did not do what was promised, it did the opposite by raising the prices. Fooled a good half of the forums for a while though. Right now it's currently still being excused as "They jsut got the game", "It takes time to adjust" "Wait for the dust to settle" etc when clearly when they physically sat there and took their time to design the shard and new pricing system, they input values that would raise difficulty in obtaining runes. These values are simple to calculate upon a glance to know right off the bat they are not viable and would make runes way harder to get. This has nothing to do with just getting the game or waiting out to see a new system, from my end it feels like they went out of the way to make sure it would be a cash grab. And that one patch those gold accrue nerf and the raising of box prices even more, wow.

    This new revamp system they are doing to the runes feel like the same style again, promising simplification of the game, improving accessbility, less burden of knowledge, lower power creep etc yet it feels like they are going out of their way to make it more complicated. The whole CP system should have been DELETED yet I bet they felt it would be a waste and saw maybe some cash grab potential from tokens at ridiculous prices so they kept it in. There was no need for the ability:nora system other than because the game had it to begin with, and other than getting responses like "COOL!, PERCEIVED CUSTOMIZABILITY LIKE SKILL TREES!" This whole new nora system is a balancing nightmare and should be done away with, they should have spent their efforts on the correct things instead.
  7. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Everyone saying accessability would be down is stupid as bread and has no idea of basically anything. Seriously. The people I meet here, ffs.
  8. MadCom

    MadCom Active Member

    Easy to say for person, who played this grindfest for years. Try to create new acc and enjoy this game. Grinding like this was maybe acceptable 5 years ago, when f2p model was just comming up, but right now with current model pox will never be popular. All current tcg type games gives you at start gives you editable deck and easy way to obtain at least few packs at start. But pox gives you litteraly nothing. You can still try pretend that this game will miraculously revive after revamp, but let's be realistic. Current pox have no future. I hope Owls really care about pox future and think of some nice model so both sides - players and owls will be happy.
  9. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Accessability is miles, lightyears ahead of what was under SoE. That is a clear, cool fact. There is no denying that unless one is very stupid. Yes, it is connected with grind, maybe too much, getting gold should be fun, too. But accessability is the highest it has ever, in the whole history of Pox, been.
  10. MadCom

    MadCom Active Member

    No, it's not. When I started to play there was only first knights and warlocks meta legendaries. You only needed 400 gold to get 3 different starting bgs and then only few comms/uncomms from maljaras exps to have fun in uncommon league playing against same power level opponents. Now, you need newes legendaries to even play with unrankeds, because only old***s plays pox, who gattered a lot of "wealth" over all years. For new player there is no chance to play against someone on equal ground.
  11. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes

    Im not sure what you're getting at, the gist I got out of it was something along the lines of this snail is so much faster than that snail... but they are both snails...

    In fact accessibility is lower than SoE system and forced trading even more, thats the clear cool fact :|
  12. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Thats blatantly dishonest. You entered at knights and warlocks? Well, you needed knights and warlocks to win, that makes at least 2 legendary packages, plus a bunch of exos, makes some 50$ to estimate it low.
  13. only

    only Active Member

    I think it shifted a bit. firstly, it awarded old players. exotics became new rares. legendaries became new exotics.

    but the getting old is now the whole different situation. while accessability through packs was increased, the fact that packs are the only way to get runes is kinda denying it.

    old system had 30 card packs for 200 gold. so for 800 gold, you could have like 30 cards (2x) of actually good runes. YOUR OWN ONES. even if they had zero value. then, you could simply buy new runes like uncommons and trade them into poxbox.

    now you need to do the same, but with bigger gaps.

    poxbox is doing what original pox site should be doing. awarding you for playing rankeds, having in game store or something similar, auction houses etc. nothing like this happened or probably going to happen. on top of that, they increased token prices to the pathetic cost?
  14. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    Nothing like that is probably going to happen? I think you are not giving them the chance to do it..
  15. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    "Took their time" is hardly fair. I'm not sure you understand the amount of work required to do the transition type activities that were occurring at that time. Pox's current systems certainly aren't perfect and accessibility probably isn't as high as it could be (and probably should be) but we need to let them finish one thing at a time. If you're frustrated that it's taking them a while to get everything together for the next era of Pox then I'm sorry for that but the amount of work required to do something like rebalance over 2000 runes is substantial. Based on what they've said it's entirely reasonable that these systems could undergo further changes.

    In addition, certainly there's no "need" for the ability: nora system but similarly there's no "need" for any champions to have abilities besides basic attacks. They're put in there because the devs feel like it will improve the game. In this case the purpose being to improve the amount of creative space allowed to the player building a deck.

    You seem to be complaining about how DoG promised reduced complexity and you don't feel like what we've been shown is actually less complex.
    1. I disagree, I think that they seem substantially less complex
    2. You're determining that they haven't delivered on their promise of reduced complexity when not all of the new runes have been released and even the ones that have been shown we've been told are still likely to change further

    You think that it's just 'excuses' that we say that you should wait for the dust to settle. To some extent that's true but it's also a matter of practicality. DoG has a tremendous amount of work to do and they need time to do it.
    DarkJello likes this.
  16. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    Only makes one very good point, the gaps are too high. Right now you gotta jump from box to box. Imo they should delete all random chances for exotics plus the guaranteed exotics and instead include shards representing the average you would get.
  17. ProR2D2

    ProR2D2 I need me some PIE!

    I really like the customization that upgrades offer, but I still agree with you. Dont know if getting rid of the whole upgrade system would be better than to add arbritary nora costs, even though this make the game even more complex. Thats why my suggestion was to leave them alone and balance upgrades on champions where they weren't balanced, so people can take the upgrades they like the most and not the ones which were the most powerfull.
    Rather than making it even more difficult to choose upgrades by balancing them with nora costs.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2014
  18. Saka

    Saka The King of Potatoes


    It physically takes a person to sit down and input some numbers to set up a price system, and those numbers were obviously intentionally high. Takes less than 2 minutes to do some price comparisons between old and new system to realize this, there is no excuse.
  19. only

    only Active Member

    that condition doesn't work against Minotaur teleports. just because things are being coded without such interactions in head...
  20. Authyrtyr

    Authyrtyr The King of Potatoes

    There is absolutely an excuse. The priority at this time is not the accessibility, it's the game balance. They want to have a game with a functioning meta before they address the other issues.
    DarkJello likes this.

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