Pox Renovator

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by rickyjpen, Mar 25, 2014.


Which Faction do you think Pox Renovator beneficial for of the 8 factions?

  1. Forglar Swamp

  2. Forsaken Wastes

  3. Ironfist Stronghold

    0 vote(s)
  4. Shattered Peaks

    0 vote(s)
  5. K'thir Forest

  6. Underdepths

  7. Sundered Lands

  8. Savage Tundra

  1. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Which faction do you think the pox renovator is most beneficial for of the 8 factions?
  2. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Out of the 8 factions wich do I think the pox renovator is most beneficial for?

    well, it's a desert thing with a gun so that's SL but it adds NOTHING to our themes.
    because it's an owl I guess it could be IS/ST
  3. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    By beneficial I meant most helpful with its kit to the faction xP. I am currently thinking UD's Lack of range makes this thing fit in there nice xP
  4. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    That benefits no-one.
  5. BansheeX

    BansheeX I need me some PIE!

    Good range with very high damage output in UD.
  6. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    as I said, nobody benefits in the long term.
    Dolphinllc likes this.
  7. Queegon

    Queegon I need me some PIE!

    Agreed with UD, with 15 base damage that can only scale up at range 5, it's a beating.

    (and fits into minotaurs, who lack range, and are no demons either :p)

    ST being my second pick cuz beast.
  8. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Don't forget the newly buffed Puppet Masters :p
  9. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    As a UD player i , i don't and wont run the UD reno... its too squishy.. if i wanted a squishy range id deploy goblin archer , who will last longer and do more dmg through out the entire game , But this is just my personal opinion/preferance
  10. rickyjpen

    rickyjpen Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Absolutely nuts :p
  11. free20play

    free20play I need me some PIE!

    savage tundra because of tailwind,boon of the wind but mostly for flavor reasons
  12. TeaNinja

    TeaNinja I need me some PIE!

    Archer is much cheaper, has +1 range, and multi-attack. So Archer is better overall. However, Renovator has Flying and does more damage per attack.
    Last edited: Mar 27, 2014
  13. Dolphinllc

    Dolphinllc Member

    As others have said - Pox Renovators are good for nobody in the long run.

    Pox Renovators were designed and meant to share with the players the new designers wish to simplify things - however by making that wish into a game mechanic on a single rune, it takes away choice from the game. Players are being punished in-game for playing "complex" runes with multiple starting abilities. Is that something that should be punished on the battlefield via an ability - or something that should be done via a rebalance? Due to the inherent complexity within the game, I am seeing at least 1 owl in 80% of BGs I face simply because they can end up doing over 20 damage per shot at range 2-5 with 0 buffs/build up/surge effects, etc.

    Kudos to the Owls for wanting to simplify things - however the renovators were not a very well executed way to do it.
  14. GIFTbr

    GIFTbr Member

    UD, bonus faccion increasse even more the +10% dmg per abilitie.
    Was I time that I point IS too, for the lack of flying and range, but not a problem anymore, all faccions does everything that this game can do...
  15. crisian

    crisian Member

    is that the new term? "complex"? lmao. they are op stupid champs with gay mimic and crap like that and the people who make them are all crying now because there is a little, tiny owl that ****** pwns the hell out of them. and everybody was given, for free, one of these little guys...yet they still have to ***** and complain about the free stuff they got isn't up to par with their standards.

    and yes, "Complex" champs(as you call them) should be punished. try complex strategies instead of instawin supergaychamps.
  16. GIFTbr

    GIFTbr Member

    That kind of "complex" champ should not even be created, but once it was, everyone use it, sad thing to say...

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