PoxNora Site

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Ralphen, Jun 5, 2016.

  1. Ralphen

    Ralphen I need me some PIE!

    Any hope it will leave the 90s and enter the new century? I mean, HTML 5.0, ajax and stuff like that? I don't even care about the graphical stuff, because I'm more concerned about the following:

    - With the increasing number of runes, the manager/forge need more filters and a restyling to make it faster in loading stuff;
    - Forging is a slowy pain. Try to move it into the rune manager list view and allowing to check and forge runes like in a mail client;
    - Years are passed, and is still impossible to see a rune xp in the manager;
    - In the checklist, races are not alphabetically ordered;
    - The rune checklist should be public, imho;
    - Having back the option to show the current deck would be great;
    - The guild tabs are ugly and with some coding errors (just try edit/remove old news from the "show more" page);
    - Caching is not used properly, so the site uses quite a lot of bandwidth compared to others.

    Remember, your site is the first thing an user experiment before playing the game.


    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I think you'll like this thread. http://forums.poxnora.com/index.php?threads/quality-of-life-changes.11824/
  3. Ralphen

    Ralphen I need me some PIE!

    I like it. But when I look at what is left and what got completed I feel sad... :(
  4. Senshu

    Senshu Administrator Octopi

    The website has a lot of old code and is one of the many things we would like to work on. Right now our top priority is with the game stability. We are doing a lot of work overhauling the backend because despite the website being the first thing many players will see the game is what players will be using. As a note because the website does tie in so directly with the game itself in terms of functionality any overhauls with one will affect the other.

    We know all of you are anxious to see improvements and they are coming as fast as they can, but we want to do it right :)

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