Project Gorgon

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by exiledtyrant, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. exiledtyrant

    exiledtyrant Active Member

    Old school MMO that I found today still in Apha phase. Can play now with no entry fee etc. Extremely fast down load and not at all PC intensive. It's got Alpha amount of content but runs as smooth as a beta. Quite frankly it runs smoother than most testing environments I've been apart of. I must have gone through 5 different play lists with it only crashing once and lagging twice. I can't even get finished games to not degrade in performance under the stress I put it through.

    Anyway helpful thread located here:

    Official forums here:

    Graphics are pretty decent for Alpha stage. They are a about EQ 2 level right now but with better lightning. Animations are smooth. Crafting system is robust and it looks to offer several dual classes. Writing has proven absolutely hilarious and Role playing is encouraged. I never had a game transform into a cow, have me act out my life as a cow and then seek bloody vengeance with home made mushroom bombs to slay the cow that wronged me. If you like alpha / beta testing or just want to hop on and do some fun for a few hours definitely give it a try.

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