Proposed Stitched Buffs

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by EmperorSauron, Oct 20, 2014.

  1. EmperorSauron

    EmperorSauron I need me some PIE!

    Just want to help ease the burden of the already hard task the council members have of buffing/nerfing their respective factions. Note that these are simply suggestions and nothing more, its ultimately upto you guys whether or not you want to follow them @badgerale @yobanchi. Also thanks in advance for reading, here goes:

    Stitched First
    Please refer to this Thread

    Stitched Mirrorskin
    Deflect Poison and Deflect Fire removed from first upgrade path, Instead first upgrade path should be Divert/Bodyguard/Deflect(base upgrade)

    Second Upgrade path:
    Wizard Foe/Calcify/Ignorance

    The idea is to have a stitched champ that fulfills the tank role of tyrant, and if possible bodyguard could be made to work with mirrored to have some interesting dynamics.

    Stitched Magearm
    Remove current upgrades along with magic eater.
    Range changed to 5-7

    First Upgrade path
    Magic Acolyte/Magic Eater(base upgrade)/Grant Magic Aura

    Second Upgrade path
    Magic Blast(base upgrade)/Damage shield magic(rank 3)/Absorb

    For the Magearm i think a good way to go would be to make him an artillery unit capable of healing himself that is actually worth his cost. He's vulnerable to melee ofcourse which prevents him from being too overpowered.

    Stitched Merged
    Dmg Decreased to 12
    Unequippable to base

    First Upgrade path
    Crushing Blow/Impact Strike/Tectonic Pulse

    Second Upgrade Path
    Tough 2(Base)/Resistance Physical 2/Resilient

    A tank capable of dealing a large amount of damage, worth the huge nora pricetag as he can be on par with some of the Titans out there.

    Let me know what you guys think so far, I still have plenty of ideas for the other stitched
  2. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Thanks for this, what would you say is the weakest stitched right now?
  3. EmperorSauron

    EmperorSauron I need me some PIE!

    Outside the ones I've listed id say Librarian, although its used in the meta its not really a good rune in stitched given its high nora cost(compared to other stitched) and low damage output. It was worth running before when it had detection, but now it doesn't serve much purpose aside from nora hex and recycle. Also the 5 speed really doesn't help much. Even if it does gain detection 1 I would say its not worth running unless it had flying, and shatter replacing recycle on base(recycle moved to upgrades). Among the ones i listed id say magearm needs some help.
  4. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Yeah, Librarian definitely needs some work
  5. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Good evening stitched people (or good morning, or afternoon),

    There should be a balance patch in the near future, and predictably the tyrant is in line for some hurt. Since I don't want this to completely gut stitched decks I've also added a buff to stitched first. This probably won't be full compensation but it is my hope that in the next patch we can buff at least one more stitched (of which we have ideas), so hang in there. Anyway, I want to get your thoughts on these changes:

    Stitched Tyrant (nerf)
    The stitchling which spawn via stitched symbiosis do so with only 10hps (back to how it was).

    Upgrade path 1 changed to: stitched reconstitution, Charge 2, Cleave.

    The upgrade path change reaffirms the tyrants role as a tank, not a buff champ ( and also relates to my next champ suggestion). I also based it on the destroyer (SL champ) abilities since that's another t-rex and i like the idea that the stitched saw it and made their own.

    Stitched First (buff)
    The problem with the first is that both upgrade lines are reconstruct abilities, and he is therefore paying twice for very similar abilities which share a cooldown. I suggest changing the second ability line to thematic buff type abilities, which seems to fit him as a primogenitor guy.

    Upgrade path 2 becomes: Augment creation, Relocate relic, death pact

    @Agirgis1 @yobanchi
    BloodAshes, EmperorSauron and SPiEkY like this.
  6. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    Tyrant nerf is good

    hmm Give first transfer life rank 1 on base ( 10hp for 10 hp) and im happy........ also augment would be completely not worth running compared to other 2 abilities + the price at which it would cost to run it nora wise (+12).... so i suggest sticking it on someone else, :D or don't... i guess the option is open for ppl who would actually want to run it

    Also if i had to choose another urgent buff....... probably detect on Liberian again
  7. badgerale

    badgerale Warchief of Wrath

    Augment creation is expensive but it is also a very strong ability, people seem happy to run it on the tyrant. Be good to get some input on this from other stitched players.

    Transfer life to base works for me, he probably does need a little something extra.
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2014
  8. EmperorSauron

    EmperorSauron I need me some PIE!

    Wow Id say these are actually some great choices, and it may help stitched become viable. I do agree with @Agirgis1 about augment creation, perhaps I should elaborate more. Now it costs +12 nora for +2 damage, which may seem nice however given the fact that stitched are UD splits and thus benefit from the bonus id assume people wouldnt run it as much. Augment creation was run on the Tyrant due to Stitched Symbiosis being bugged in its current state, and anyone running Tyrant outside of stitched wouldnt run the other two upgrades as they were meant to help the theme(in essence Tyrant was run alot in the meta, and improve speed was the only other option left in which case no one would run it due to no other stitched presence in meta bgs). I would like the idea of psychic ping to replace this, albeit even if it was at the cost of Stitched First's basic attack, as in my experience not alot of players would really attack with him as with reconstitute he has a target on his head. Thanks for reading and taking the time out to actually help implement these changes @badgerale
  9. Agirgis1

    Agirgis1 Forum Royalty

    wew chill bruh , you don't wut youve got till its gone. trust me youll miss auto attacking
  10. EmperorSauron

    EmperorSauron I need me some PIE!

    Nope, Pre-vamp it was all about the ping, idk maybe im biased because its my favorite ability in the game...
  11. TheBulwark

    TheBulwark I need me some PIE!

    Nerf stitched!
    Agirgis1 likes this.

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