Question about Marketplace Just coming back

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by armyguyclaude, May 22, 2015.

  1. armyguyclaude

    armyguyclaude Member

    I am just getting back into this game and realize I can't buy single packs from older sets. Why? Right now there's only Core Set, Extended Set, and this new set. Why no others? Are they bunched in with Core Set and Extended Set?
  2. Revengercm

    Revengercm I need me some PIE!

    Yes. Core is all packs from poxnora release set to grimlic's descened. Extended from the one after grimlic's descend to the previous expansion.
  3. Ifem21

    Ifem21 The King of Potatoes

    And for me, this is not right, we need to ahve more packs/boxes, with 6 or 7 expnasions per box, or at least, choose the faction we want the runes, now, it's just hard to get the ruens you want/need by buying packs.
  4. Karamasov

    Karamasov Lord of SL & Master of Challenges

    I kinda like it as it is in respect to faction unspecific . It helps building up a pool of runes in other factions which makes it way easier to try out builds outside your main faction.
  5. Revengercm

    Revengercm I need me some PIE!

    I mean we should have both options lol. Unspecified and specified faction boxes.
  6. Karamasov

    Karamasov Lord of SL & Master of Challenges

    I don't necessarily agree. Not saying it would be terrible, but there arguments against it.

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