Questions on the Old Draft System

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Capricis, Mar 11, 2015.

  1. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    How did draft used to work? 3 packs and you have to use what you get, circus style? Were avatars allowed? Were there any special gameplay rules? Did everyone have to try to draft 'goodstuff' decks? For those that liked it, what made it fun for you?
  2. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    Draft 3 Packs per player, usually 2 Newest Set + 1 Pack of cards designed to be drafted with those cards. (If example there is a Moga theme, G'herns and Mogas from other sets will be included here, usually also have some staple spells like AoE damage spells.)
    Circus Style Indeed.
    No Avatars.
    Your timer counts down from 30 minutes, (or was it 20?) when it goes out, you lose. (It doesn't refill when you end your turn.)
    Decks as I noticed usually included some syngergy, but mostly goodstuff. If you prefered a certain faction bonus/font, you might try to have the most amount of that faction in your BG. (As you will get half faction bonus from that faction.)
    Playing cards I would never play before, and especially not in combination with other, plus the drafting part is very fun.
    (I am assuming you know what the drafting part is, if not, just ask.)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2015
  3. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    This sounds awesome, why was it ever removed?
  4. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    Drafting is my favorite thing to do in Pox. ; w ; <3 I miss it so much.
    They have to work out some legal stuff first since it's kind of considered gambling, which is illegal many places.
  5. Tweek516

    Tweek516 I need me some PIE!

  6. Vote Kanye 2020

    Vote Kanye 2020 Better-Known Member

    I always liked it because there was a very small chance in drafting LE runes, so if you drafted a 150k rune in a 9 ticket tourney you would be overwhelmed with happiness that you get too keep it.
    soulmilk likes this.
  7. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    I was very lucky with getting 150ks and this allowed me to chain draft, which is how I got most of my own collection.
    Plus a Poxnora webstore website I forgot the name of used to sell drafting tickets cheap, so drafting was cheap for me.
  8. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    Thank you for the concise answers! How long did a whole draft usually take? All done in one sitting? Was it round robin? So since there were 3 packs per person... Did you have to play with a lot of Swimming Lessons?
  9. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    maximum 40 minutes per round, so it could take up to 2 hours. Usually took about 1 and a half. All Done in one sitting. It was single elimination. (If you lost, you went out of the tournament, only first and second place got prices.)
    Unless there was a swimming lesson-ish card in the Set you drafted, then no. (The 3rd pack usually only had runnable runes.)
  10. Cydna

    Cydna Forum Royalty

    It's a shame drafts aren't coming back anytime soon, they were so much fun.
    SPiEkY likes this.
  11. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    So cool! But... They're the same picture? And that sucks, you couldn't even play your draft deck for fun against others if you get knocked out?
  12. potatonuts

    potatonuts I need me some PIE!

    I think i'd just love to be able to play safe in the knowledge that i won't be up against st meta every other game.
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2015
    SPiEkY likes this.
  13. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    I see~~ That's quite interesting! Timer shenanigans don't sound too fun though. But if one had enough resources, could one host drafts over the forum, you think? With some small changes.
  14. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    you could also get multiples of the same champ in one bg. If you won the tourney you were awarded your runes and enough tickets to play again. I would get as many champs with the intimidating ability as I could and rush. Imp strangler x5 and such.
  15. Capricis

    Capricis Member

    I looked into this for a few hours and found some ways to do this. But of course... It would take slightly more effort from people than just logging into Pox Nora and clicking the Join Tournament button.

    Everyone would have to meet up at the same time and download a draft program. I found a few that could work.

    Or we could do it entirely via forum PM's. One pick at a time for 30 picks would be impractical. We could have everyone 'open' 3 packs at once and make 3 picks at a time. But that would still take days. Probably still impractical.

    On getting the runes for the draft: The host could require a buy-in equal to the cost of three packs, on average. Then get all the runes and hand them out after the drafting stage. I think I could run a commons-only draft where I require a buy-in of a prize for the prize pool, and any 30 commons (so I can get what's needed off of PoxBox). Or with a much, much bigger buy-in I could host a draft with more exciting things.

    Is there enough interest for this?

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