Quick Suggestion for Rune Forge

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Molosse, Mar 10, 2014.

  1. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    Rather than laboriously going through each rune and selecting the pair of options which allows me to remove a single rune perhaps allowing a check box, or number selection to allow me/us to remove vast swathes of unneeded or unused runes in one go.

    Beyond that why not take the Hearthstone idea and give an option to remove every rune that goes over x2 copies of that rune? Either way the Rune Forge is a great idea, if a tad clunky at the moment.
  2. only

    only Active Member

    because trading exist!
  3. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    But who wants 12 Mantid Trackers?

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    The Rune Pool doesn't discriminate too harshly =P
  5. only

    only Active Member

    well, the first part of your idea was good! I think Snogvie the Athropodeater wouldn't mind those. saxing tires him.
  6. Molosse

    Molosse I need me some PIE!

    I get that mate :p, I'm all for donating to the rune pool, but I'd still like to see the return of some money I put in and got multiple trash runes... and not take a hour to do it :D.
  7. Xiape

    Xiape I need me some PIE!

    I think the big loser for this crafting process is the rune pool, because players will likely want to convert their extra runes rather than donate them. Players can still donate though if they want to be charitable.

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