Ranking question?

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by decondor, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. decondor

    decondor I need me some PIE!

    Just some questions about ranks:

    What is the maxium amount of experience someone can get? 1350?
    Is experience updated directly after matches?
    At what time is ranked updated?
    Do wins/loses update directly?

    Some more interesting information? Currently done with writing the software to make a complete daily log of DoW rankings!
  2. Greysands22

    Greysands22 I need me some PIE!

    I always assumed they rolled a set of D20 to determine rank.
  3. Karmavore


    1. Not sure on the maximum, ive seen it go as high as 1400
    2. It accumulates and updates at the end of the day
    3. 3AM Pacific time (vancouver)
    4. Pretty sure it's the same as #2 (show's a loss/win in game history via player profile)
  4. Zenity

    Zenity Devotee of the Blood Owl

    It's my understanding that it's an ELO rating system, so there is no theoretical maximum value (it depends on the skill gap between the best player and an average beginner).

    Speaking of which, can we please rename it to something more sensible than "experience". That makes no sense at all, and is highly unintuitive. Especially since there is also a player level system, and the bars you fill to get to the next level presumable show your "experience", which has nothing to do with the value actually called "experience"... We could name it something really clever instead, like "rating". o_O

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