Reactiosn to 3/26 Patch

Discussion in 'Shattered Peaks' started by Raikan, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!


    Not having tested any of these yet, Shallaxy, StormCaller and Lightning Elemental all seem to be in a pretty good place right now.

    G'Hern Soothsayer was a welcome change as well (12 nora for Prog. vs. 8 for Soothing Serenade), but I think his base damage still might be 1-2 points too low. He could be made range 5-6 to allow for slightly higher damage.

    Removing Judgment from executioner was necessary to remove slag slop/state of confusion/spearman shenanigans with 60-90 loss of life. Although I still think he's a bit ability/cost heavy.
  2. Tricky1

    Tricky1 I need me some PIE!

    I understand the damage thing on sooth sayer, I really do. But anything short of 11 damage (to counter relics and such) would be a waste of time. Also, I don't think you're giving RANGED sunder enough credit. It's very powerful. Finally to close the subject matter he just has both trees dedicated to the build he is now and it's just not worth Firking up on a very viable champion otherwise.

    I nearly cried tears of joy on shallaxy.
    Lightning ele truly just underwent a revamp, he's solid now but the lightning theme itself is very off(different).
    Executioner is just a flat out stupid rune in the faction, pound for pound nothing else in the faction has matched him for what? two years? it's like they got an ironfist champion on paper then gave it a dumb name/race so it could more properly fit into the faction.
    Storm caller is ok now, I don't understand why the greens hate him so much.
  3. limone1981

    limone1981 I need me some PIE!

    The executioner is really useless now,yes Judgment was silly in Nids bg,but Death Sentence is just a waste of nora for an ability that procs 1/4 of the time.
    (It would be easier to modifiy to 5 the Judgment dmg that will fit better the nids theme)
    The light ele is solid but nothing great outside an eletrick bg.
    didn't try yet the 2 clops caller(stone and storm) but efficiency wise I think in a clops bg that roles are already filled
  4. Raikan

    Raikan I need me some PIE!

    Not sure if this is WAI or a bug, but doubling up on electric jab on LE only gets 8 damage, not 16.

    Separately, has anyone tried bolt w/ ionization? I assume it's only +1 damage, but maybe not.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2015
  5. Tricky1

    Tricky1 I need me some PIE!

    lol. it's WAI :confused: but it was still a good laugh.
  6. Hekwit

    Hekwit Devotee of the Blood Owl

    nid exe is still decent. Maybe he is not that good as before.. but still worth to keep 2 of them in bg. 1 - 2 range, execute, punish, feint.. for 80 nora.. well.. maybe they should lower his cost a bit. Death sentence is sooo bad, but very occasionally is quite useful against low def champs.

    He is good enough... but i agree that death sentence needs rework...
  7. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    That was a slip-up, L. Elemental is gonna lose E. Jab from one of the lines in a future patch. And it's indeed not intended to stack.
  8. sidmouth

    sidmouth The King of Potatoes

    I haven't been playing Hyaenids but death sentence seems ok to me - with one spearman hit and feint you would get 50% executioner dmg + 20 = 25 or 26 dmg. Clearly it's not nearly as good as judge but judge was pretty broken.

    I don't think the devs hate storm caller he is just kind of a strange champ. Aid is probably more expensive than it should be and storm caller wants to bomb which doesn't proc aid so you're spending a lot of nora on 2 abilities that have anti-synergy. I gave sok the rec to move him to 1-3 range which I think is necessary but in hindsight maybe he should be a 2-4 or something.

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