red cap twins raze

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by profhulk, Oct 22, 2014.

  1. Centuros

    Centuros Active Member

    Let's just remove Avatars and Transfiguring from the game.
    Raze dealing 15 to Avatars is now solved!
  2. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    not often now is your in game name NightMarik? i can message you when i am on
  3. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    Its Knight Omen. Due to censorship it didn't allow my gamertage Nightmarik when i first started playing.
    Made no sense whatsoever to me, but eh.

    NiGhtMaRiK Omen was the full name when i created a character on 'Sacrifice' back in the day.
  4. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    KinghtOmen, okay i have seen you on, i will "finger" you next time i am on. (lol)

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    I too finger people
  6. chickenpox2

    chickenpox2 I need me some PIE!

    With that avatar this post only one word
  7. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    I finger two people
    BurnPyro and MEATMAN like this.
  8. Ballballer

    Ballballer Chief Antagonist

    Combine ethereal pool with masons spire and use scorched dwarfs to gen nora and repair the pool/shrine
  9. NiGhtMaRiK

    NiGhtMaRiK I need me some PIE!

    All that is well and good ballballer, but thats like 70+ nora plus pool. so like 110 of set up for something that effectively hasn't done anything YET.
    Also it doesn't cap you fonts or do dmg to champs on board.
    I understand that the full set up has the potential to down a shrine if down carefully and not responded to.
    However, i lost interest in ethereal pool right around the time when i was playing it Moga was rising up again and summon champs were all the rage.

    Not sure if its been changed but the way it was working before:

    Deploy Pool

    Summon 3 (groble, boghopper, draksar) instant pool to 2 and 9 dmg dmg to opponent shrine?

    They now have more presence than me and force font, or continue to win over font.

    Now if i deploy a monster my pool pops and my shrine takes dmg.
    I wait for them to deploy a monster and their shrine take another hefty dmg hit yet they also have full control of board and i am being beat back since i cant deploy.
    If they do deploy they take a meager 3 more dmg for that unit and pops pool.

    Even if i had a spire out or dwarf, i still can't deploy or i force dmg to my own shrine. Also id be behind in nora not being able to pressure fonts aswell or having powerful champs since most of them are cheese.
    Being its not a meta deck, you put all your eggs into one basket and you lack the tools to counter opponent strategies and advancements.

    Frantic deploy, shrine healing and rush decks help counter this.

    The era i tried to use it, was not good since summons proc'd pool and easily destroyed it, only doing 12dmg to opponent shrine.
    If both pools popped, thats 24 dmg to shrine of its 90+. So with scrying the Avy sits at like 40-50.
    You have to get back there or use other shrine razing tools that are reliable to get to it.
    I suppose a stealth champ can cause pressure enough to take a few spell traps and get the avy to 15-20 and force transfigure.
    At that point it takes 3 Razes to kill the Avy.

    All this is plausible, yet i think it a rarity and i dont see how its enough of a problem people are up in arms about it here.
    I think the deck is counterable enough being that it isn't the most reliable since it depends largely on opponent deploys and no counters to the strategy inherent in the opponent deck.

    Artic wail, Font eruption, divine dispersal, overload,etc....
    Not saying these get ran often or the deck should force you to run them, just saying that they may be in an opponents deck.
    If not i can't see how you're keeping enough threat at fonts to not just have them walk to your shrine at turn 4 and being to unload.
    At that point you can fortify the turn before finishing the enemy shrine.
    Greetings take care of stealth threats, detection should be in your deck anyway.
    Pygmy stampeded is an auto counter.

    I dunno, i guess i just ran into alot of what made pool bad and i still think it needs a rework and could be more reliable and less effected by your opponent and not hit your own champs.

    I really can't understand how its good in any capacity, i tried really hard at it.

    So im anxious to see Original play and see where i went wrong or whats changed since i tried it. Im intrigued and confused.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I found Ethereal Pool useful, however it is extremely draw reliant, so much so that it should only be used in a UD/ST split. In this split, I don't care about damaging my own shrine so long as I have ways to apply damage to the enemy shrine. It is a balancing act. Though the +2/1 Dmg and +5hp sure does help me keep board presence. If I don't get Ethereal Pool as early as I would like, I will use it to contest a font. Doing 3-6 dmg at least to their shrine and preventing 12-24 nora to them, effectively halving the cost of the rune, while being strategically important.
  11. jeeperz2

    jeeperz2 I need me some PIE!

    You guys act as if you couldn't sit idle and save nora for a turn. You are playing the shrine rush deck not your opponent.

    IMAGIRL Forum Royalty

    I am never confident enough to rush unless its blatantly obvious they messed up. I get too excited and ruin a perfectly good win. I prefer a slow push. Generally any bg I make has a main theme, and a sub theme. Most of my demon bgs, have the sub theme of shrine poke. Overkill, Raze, HoC, ect. With the main them having enough synergy to combat the enemy, hold fonts.

    Honestly it's more effective than you think. It's not something that changes the match in and of it self. Think of it like Unholy Tomb, or Tome of Hates DoT. Not much, but over time it's dangerous. In this case, its the shrine taking the hits. 21 from 3 scrys, 5 Here, 5 There, 12 from someone I new would die, and just decide to poke. It builds up.

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