Returned, now I totally suck?

Discussion in 'Underdepths' started by Mark Phillips, Jul 30, 2016.

  1. Mark Phillips

    Mark Phillips New Member

    Hi people

    I used to play a few years back. I was a freaking boss, nobody could touch me. Now, I cant last 10 minutes without being crushed. What has happened?

    I play UD

    My main runes are:

    Deep Elf Fanatic
    Sheoul Demon
    Deep Elf Assassin

    I regularly use helm of chaos which somehow seems to only work some of the time?

    I just can't understand how i've gone from being prolific to a conplete and utterly pathetic peice of worthless Nefari mess.

    Any quick one liner tips you guys may have?

    Thanks for reading!

    newsbuff likes this.
  2. davre

    davre The Benevolent Technofascist

    I remember my game against you. You should consider taking fonts instead of just rushing to your opponent's shrine. As you can see they now have a lot of hp and fonts can gain you valuable nora per turn.
    newsbuff likes this.
  3. Mark Phillips

    Mark Phillips New Member

    Thanks Davre, it seems no matter what strategy I use I get anhiallated every time.

    It seems sometimes im coming up against champions that are just unkillable, where mine crumble like leaves if someone merely glances at them.

    Absolutely every player now seems to have endless exotics that are pumped up with exotic spells.
  4. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    Rarity =/= Power, especially in this game
  5. Mark Phillips

    Mark Phillips New Member

    Im not even getting close.

    People have got decks down with insane mods. Like ive just played a guy who had someone with 20 Speed. I wouldnt even know where to start to get anywhere near that.

    I fear that the game has become so complex its difficult to even know what is going on half the time.
  6. SPiEkY

    SPiEkY King of Jesters

    20 spd sounds like Time Slip, an uncommon-rarity K'thir spell
    DrakeArron likes this.
  7. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Also, the only thing giving us your main runes helps us figure out is you seem to have a misconception. Your "main runes" are completely irrelevant. Hell, telling us what theme your running would likely give us more info, as at least then we could know how you should play with it.
    Main runes don't really do anything. Right now the best we can guess is your playing UD elves, however the sheol demon changes that. For all we know you could be running meta. What matters is your entire BG and how it synergizes.
    Like, I could say my main runes atm Are redfist/bluefist, and Aspect of Divinity. But that doesn't say anything. I could be running anything from leoss to a charge BG.

    To me, the fact that you thought your "main runes" would be enough sort of reinforces a point already made due to your focus on enemy exotics- you appear to think BG's are normally made up of a bunch of your most powerful champs that are buffed with your most powerful spells. While some BG's run like that, the vast majority don't, and even in those cases there's usually some sort of synergy going on.

    (I'm a complete newb and barely ever win, but I don't think any experienced player would disagree with me on these points.)
    SPiEkY likes this.
  8. OriginalG1

    OriginalG1 I need me some PIE!

    try using minotaurs.
    or imp, if you are fortunate enough to play with out lag.
  9. Mark Phillips

    Mark Phillips New Member

    Thanks guys

    Yeh it seems I thought just having decent champs and powering through would win me games. It seems not.

    Hopefully Ill improve and learn how to combine runes etc

    Cheers for the responses anyway
    Fentum, DrakeArron and SPiEkY like this.
  10. DrakeArron

    DrakeArron I need me some PIE!

    Props to you for seeing that. Most of the time people don't admit that, so I assume it takes a lot of strength. If you have any more specific help needs feel free to ask.
    Also, if you haven't already definetly join a guild. That will give you a more direct way to ask for help. I'd suggest Noob World Order as thats for noobs, however since thats my guild I'm somewhat biased :p.
  11. Fentum

    Fentum I need me some PIE!

    How long ago were you playing well and winning? I've been here since 2007, and the game is VERY different. Originally was a bit like a fantasy battle with mid level 'troops'. Then went through a phase of 'Godzilla vs Cosmic Monster' when most champs had minimum 8 abilities and it was a big slugfest. Good champs plus support might have seen you through then.

    Nowadays, there are many, many combos and synergies that will beat 'good champs plus utility spells'. In the very old days, it was possible to shrine rush with a stealthed imp and a helm of chaos. No more. One particular change is that ALL factions now have access to ALL effects. E.g. IS may not have Shatter, but they have a spell, Disarm, with similar effects. If you play an equip, you should expect it to last maybe a turn. This is true of pretty much all types of effects.

    The most recent expansion has dialled back some of the extreme stuff, with reductions in the additional damage, additional healing and so on, given by hunter, leech vitality, etc.

    My advice... Find a theme you like. Fire, goblins, minotaurs, arrow eater, etc. Tweak from there.

    I'm often in the lobby and happy to play games to help you get the new combos in your head.

    My recommendation... GOBLINS!!!!!

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