Returning player- is this BG good?

Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by tesla pasta, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. tesla pasta

    tesla pasta Member

  2. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    I don't like High Marshall, I think he is subpar to most other options.

    I would get 1-2 draksar flashblade, they're common and range between solid and great.

    Heroes are not autoinclude anymore (apart from vindrax in dragon bgs). If you really want to run them, run just 1 - either valdac or vinnie, but they're not core in draksar bg.

    I feel like you have way too many aoe's, also tornado is usually worse than acid storm/burning sands unless you need to kill relics. Flying is not a big issue on many maps, so grounded won't help you that much. Instead of 1-2 of these I suggest channeled violence. It's a great spell if you mostly need ap to kill something and don't need the dmg buff/flying from db. Just don't replace db with it (it's still an amazing spell).

    I feel like draksar lord is at least 1x core in every draksar bg, he is really solid.

    If you want a dragon that is not a hero in your deck, akakios has guarded draksar and scale armour/regen. He can work really well in many situations.

    Other easy to aquire cards which you should take a look at are draksar charger: , draksar interrogator, draksar constrictor, draksar hunchback :, draksar pursuer, and draksar psion

    Legendaries which are good/great in draksars are draksar high priest , priest of fury (you already have 2, that's good) and Flagellum of chains (expensive)

    All in all I feel like your deck could use a couple changes: less aoes (weak vs IS, can be clunky vs FW), at least 1x channeled violence, definitely more meaty bruisers (check the list above legendaries that I shown, they're all well-costed and bring a lot of hp and good dmg, charger is one of my favorites) and a detection unit.

    For reference, here is what I'm running:
  3. fattyy2k

    fattyy2k I need me some PIE!

    I don't think high marshal is bad, but def not a 2x.
    I agree with @Sealer0 on most other points. I like to run Valdac for heal champ on Draksar high priests and the AOE cleanse is nice.
  4. tesla pasta

    tesla pasta Member

  5. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    Top bg looks really good and is similar to what the top 1 rank player used to run with draksars.

    Bottom bg is ok, but marauders are not as consistant as other options -> they need a lot of charges to pay for their mutation + charged bomb + attack charged abillities, and the opponent can often either play around them or crowd control them. You don't always have dragon god's staff just for marauders, and there's always a chance the opponent will use a lot of nora to kill him.

    Also, I would never ever run more than 1 firestorm or more than 1 draconic benediction. DB is supposed to be the spell that gives you a clear advantage and wins you the board. If it didn't do this for some reason (miscalculation, opponents hidden effects) than you are very likely to lose because of nora disparation between you and your opponent (it costs almost as much as a 70 nora champ).

    Firestorm is too clunky for its cost to 2x include. You rarely have 120 nora to spend on aoes, and many times -1 def from acid storm gives you that 3-5 extra damage anyway.

    To sum it up, I think adding a lot of 60 nora powerturn spells is a bad idea.
  6. tesla pasta

    tesla pasta Member

  7. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    You need to run flashblade with logistics -> they become an amazing early deploy and their range issue gets fixed. Trust me, they become one of the best ranged units in the game with 6 range. Gunner is ok but since many stealth units are melee and you want to attack with gunner because of his range, draksar pursuer is much better in detection role. Charger is one of the best draksar beaters, initatiative grants him the speed that draksars lack, and charge extends his reach. His base stats are also amazing.
    fattyy2k likes this.
  8. tesla pasta

    tesla pasta Member

  9. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    That bg looks really solid. Charger has much better damage as well as better reach than champions you mentioned because of 1-2 range, initiative and charge, which is why I think he is a great unit. That being said, I like to run a solid mix of draksar beaters because they all offer something useful. Fx. spellsword can be an amazing rune because of magic eater and weaken spells, as well as melee magic damage, but in a straight phys damage beater fight he falls short.

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