Revamp previews....

Discussion in 'K'Thir Forest' started by kagebunshn, May 10, 2014.

  1. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    Every time I see a new post about previews I get super excited....then I see the actual changes and my heart sinks.

    I'm pretty much with the bandwagon...the recent previews on Auger and MAT are fine, but man the poor Blackguard...So far the moral of the revamp story is 'We want leg and LEs to utterly suck'.

    Just watch, Queen Anaru gonna be like 120 nora and lose pet, and Mena gonna be like 140 with range 4-5. Leg Enforcer gonna make Ruthless Enforcer look like Bloodguard.
  2. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    There probably will be some outliers. It seems like champs with good stats and good abilities tend to get the ridiculously high prices. Thankfully, KF doesn't have many champs with good stats and good abilities. With that said, Menalaus could end up being very, very expensive. :(

    Edit 1: Hopefully the champs that do become too expensive for what they do will be looked at later. I would like to see more KF previews, though. A few good KF previews would be appreciated!

    Edit 2: Hopefully all the champs we have with very low stats will help us when it comes to having cheap champs. Many of the Fae, for instance, are essentially Moga with wings. I can see theme decks like Elves and Fairies getting, perhaps, better, and decks like Garu and Centaurs being worse.
    Last edited: May 10, 2014
  3. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    I honestly don't get complaints like these.

    You're looking at a single instance of a change in a vacuum, it's a wide-revamp, it's nora cost is ultimately relative.
  4. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    More previews! A full data set is important before complaining!
  5. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    I didn't complain about anything. I agreed with others about the previews, and I speculated what might be happenin soon.

    Since we dont have KF previews yet speculating is all we can do.
  6. egami

    egami Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Not sure what the complaint is about. The metric that the developers are planning to go back to - the way they cost abilities and collectively cost champs - means that undercosted champs (or overly efficient ones) will see their costs rise. That's not a bad thing for a faction unless it has been relying on a handful of champs to carry the load. There is too much diversity in the BGs I see being played, especially compared with some factions. KF has always had lackluster themes and the developers are toning down some of the uberness of other themes so that's a comparative win, as well. Having said that, I really do like the subtle changes the devs made to make elves, archers and other KF themes play better since I last played.

    I'd be happy if every Limited and Legendary rune sucked personally. The bottleneck in supply in these runes creates the majority of the cost in this game and I have a fair amount so it's not like I wouldn't "lose" my investment if they did that. Personally, I'd love to just see exotic versions of all the ones older than an expansion or two which would resolve the scarcity/cost issue.

    KF's major gripe by other factions is that it's an efficiency faction which is often true to an extent; the faction rarely supports playing the uber champ way that involves hugely impactful single champs and spells. The biggest grip right now would be the pet champs and that's an efficiency issue, not a "your champ is unkillable and/or too deadly" issue. My guess is you'll see those costs go up; the question will be how much.

    The nice thing for me, is how champ interactive this faction tends to be with abilities like blitz and encourage and momentary champ pindowns providing narrow windows to beat up playing styles that rely far more on naked and obvious power in both champs and spells. Personally, I look forward to seeing the revamp but KF is certainly playable now and I'd bet it plays just as well or better after the revamp.
  7. Legato

    Legato I need me some PIE!

    Your first line reminds me of something I'm worried about/may dislike with this system.

    I've grown to the idea of faction flavor and general mechanic availability.

    First a minor tangent: I'm unsure who remembers but I made an argument a while ago(may be quite the significant time difference I don't even remember why I brought it up) about abilities that should cost more when compounded (for essentially the same reason +1 def may cost X but +1 def when you already have 4 def should probably cost X+Y- this is of course 'on base' interactions exclusively). The idea was that some upgrades were so good, transcending even 'auto' or maybe they worked too well with the others and you could forego all other upgrades for just having that(If you thought of upgrades as normally costing 1 upgrade point, it's basically saying you should have some that cost 2) -- I like what they did with the revamp since it seems like, according to the previews, they have addressed this. Kindred-abilities are in the same upgrade path and you won't simultaneously get Scale Armor with something like Resilient -- or if you still do it'll be significantly rarer.

    With that addressed, I don't know how I feel about the ubiquity of the costs. Evasive 3 costing the same on ranged units for example seems off, or 'faction flavored'; I think 'flavor' can be a justification for leaving an ability exclusive to a faction, but only for so long/things are more interesting with instances/combinations available almost everywhere, albeit ideally with different implementations-- but to justify this I always imagined that it'd be slightly cheaper in the 'home' faction.

    I've hope that this is misguided given lack of information or it will get addressed later.
    Last edited: May 13, 2014
  8. Staxover

    Staxover Member

    Have they posted when the revamp will take place?
  9. Xirone

    Xirone I need me some PIE!

    Changing every champion in the game has got to take some time. I don't think the devs have mentioned a date yet but I'd say at least another month.
  10. egami

    egami Devotee of the Blood Owl

    When the metric was in play before, the developers adjusted costing to reflect influence that could tend to make that ability more or less useful in a champ. Some abilities could be great for a certain faction's champions that might be less useful/needed in others. And, as you said, some abilities synergize so well that a premium needed to be placed to adjust the cost in turn.

    Personally, I can't wait for the revamp. Tried playing a few games but I spend all of my time rolling through 37 condition icons for every champion trying to figure out how to kill it. Then I kept getting weird memory bleed (??) errors and disconnects so I pretty much just spent my time giving opponents a good laugh while my timer ran out.
  11. kagebunshn

    kagebunshn I need me some PIE!

    I predict that a lot of currently good runes will get nerfed into oblivion as their abilities/synergies are hacked off. But i think a lot of UC rares and some exotics that are shoebox now will get buffs which will make them good. Several elves, archers, rangers are 'almost' good now like deadly tracker.

    I think the initial revamp will probably produce a lot of massively nerfed guys. Take elven prodigy. I think hes a perfectly designed rune, but i bet their new ability formulas are going to screw him up. Bowmage is pretty unplayable lately, but a slight buff could make him good. Ospryan valkyrie would be good if his range were fixed.

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