Reverberating blast, soul bond

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by super71, Oct 5, 2017.

  1. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    If target champion takes damage, that champion is stunned for 2 turns.

    Well just observed a game where soul bond stopped all the damage, and yet both the guy's units were stunned still.

    The combat log said

    Leoss monk is protected by soul bound and their is 12 damage left to be prevented, bluefist is protected by soul bond and there is 10 damage left to be prevented. So neither champ took damage but both were stunned.

    katosmadog versus Kenconif

    Couldn't tell what the factions were completely because when observing you can't see the bonuses part of the game your observing in the top left corner which is another bug.

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