Rune Data Spreadsheet

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by KaylaKaze, Mar 16, 2014.

  1. KaylaKaze

    KaylaKaze New Member

    I made a spreadsheet of the current rune data, including id, name, faction, rarity, and expansion pack, forge cost, and forge value so that anyone who wants to use the data for a rune store or anything else, but doesn't have the know-how to gather it, has easy access to it. It's sorted alphabetically but you can sort and group it however you need to (you probably need to make your own copy of it first for that). Hopefully, Desert Owl will add the forge values to the xml info feed, unless there's a formula for calculating forge values that I'm not seeing.
    Boozha likes this.

    KTCAOP I need me some PIE!

    For the rune forge prices


    So all runes from the release set up to and including Grimlic's Descent have the "Core" sac value cost

    Any other rune up to but not including the latest expansion have the "Extended" sac value cost.

    You cannot forge any runes in the latest expansion.
  3. Morningstarz

    Morningstarz Member

    Thanks this should really help me out over the next few days. I'm really glad we have people like you in the community.

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