Rune Forge Discussion

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sokolov, Aug 19, 2015.

  1. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Something like this would be awesome from my perspective. Making current expansion runes forgeable at very inefficient rates (for as long as it is the current expansion) would also work. But the latter sounds very problematic, it might straight up decrease revenue.

    In any case, I'm not interested in trading with people. That is a HORRIBLE experience, people are horrible. I only trade with poxbox and the occasional guildie (apparently you can settle things like decent human beings when in the same guild).

    Another option would be to allow shards to be gifted/traded. This way, you're not locked at a slow accrual pace if a friend gifts you shards AND you can gather shards to trade with other people (I still mean stores tho) for current expansion runes.
    Anima26 and Engleberry like this.
  2. Revengercm

    Revengercm I need me some PIE!

    What I'm seeing is poxbox dying except for people who buy expansion Also people not trading with one another unless they spend $ on expansions.
    + Poxbox only use is for expansion
    - Rune Trading only for expansion

    The rest is great but they seem like and extra and reflected by forged runes not tradeable.
  3. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

    I use poxbox weekly. Mostly like a stock market. I take out low value runes I can use in the forge or stuff I believe will go up. To get that stuff, I trade in out of stock runes.
  4. Lepakko

    Lepakko Devotee of the Blood Owl

    I like the current system. I dont like idea i cant trade crafted runes. It will lock your runes and you need build new system what tells you what are locked and what are unlocked rune. Might be mess to find runes and try keep track are they locked or not when doing trades.

    Limit havent been big problem. I think only ones i had to wait few days to craft the rune.

    Tournament win runes prize drops hugely. So few first can trade them for something. But after that you end up melting them, because you get better value than trading normally.

    I know many people miss single rune store. So selling shards is good in my mind. You guys can get extra money and people can get the different version of single rune store. But i feel limit is good thing how many you can craft a week. To keep rune count balanced when rune changes come.
    Valkyr likes this.
  5. Engleberry

    Engleberry The King of Potatoes

    Themacca is right tho. Doing away with tradeable forged runes will seriously limit the overall rune pool existing in the game. Markoth's idea sounds far better tbh. Make an Untradeable Rune Forge with the better price point with better accessibility and another Tradeable Rune Forge with the current forging points and limits(or maybe even up the costs to access Exos and Legs as incentive to access the Untradeable Rune Forge). That way you keep the process a lot more accessible to every kind of player out there, from F2Pers like Sirius, to on again off again paying players like me, to paying players that drop $$$ for new runes. I feel like keeping both kinds of forge would be a lot more acceptable and all. I mean, I'm pretty damn sure the new and improved tradeable rune forge we have now has helped with bolstering the player base and all. Wouldn't want that boost to die.
  6. soulmilk

    soulmilk I need me some PIE!

    What if you pay 50% to obtain it and the rest 50% to make it tradable?
  7. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    The reaction in this thread feels less like 'how will this impact new players' and more like 'how will this impact me'. Do you really think the game will grow by putting the interests of collectors over growing the playerbase? As the game grows your rune values will go back up. It's called trickle up economics.
    Goyo likes this.
  8. Revengercm

    Revengercm I need me some PIE!

    I forgot I didn't count the runes from packs but you barely get an exo or leg to even trade it. All what this does is cutting the TRADING card game at half. If you want to make it just a Collecting Card game or Virtual Board Game which sounds more attractive imo.
  9. Lepakko

    Lepakko Devotee of the Blood Owl

    Old times leg runes had huge difference in values because some factions was played more. With current system leg values are more equal. Because you can craft them. If you lock crafted runes. Value of runes will get more spread.
  10. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    This is an interesting discussion nevertheless. I like the idea Markoth suggested, it sounds a little better than the original idea. Im not sure. Im still leaning towards this than against it.
  11. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    I dont know the pros/cons of a Forge that has an option to forge a tradeable rune (for current price) or a non-tradeable rune for a lower price. I really like the idea. It gives you the choice, which is important and i cant see a downside to it other than rune manager being a little messier, big whoop.
  12. Ralphen

    Ralphen I need me some PIE!

    My two cents:

    1) Remove the trader entirely: it's just a shark pool and only works with offsite stores. Players to Player trades are mainly used for guildies and alts...
    2) Improve the way shards can be obtained, even with cash (this is your profit... more profit, hopes for a better game).
    3) Runes from the new expansion can be forged at a triple cost until the next expansion hits.
    4) Add a lend option for the guilds. A rune can be lend for a limited time, then it automatically come back to your pool and can be lended again only after an equal time period.
  13. Engleberry

    Engleberry The King of Potatoes

    Can you really expect a non-tradable forge to benefit incoming players tho? Considering a new player invests some 50 bucks trying to get runes by buying a few boxes, s/he then finds that s/he needs more runes to make that kick-ass super op dream new player bg and now has the option of buying more packs or trading for them or dumping the runes he bought into a forge that will return runes s/he can now no longer trade. I mean, that's assuming this new player is willing to drop 50 bucks on the game on the get-go. Most new players come in as friends of existing players and get their runes off them initially. Locking off a significant portion of the runes from trade and access-by-trade doesn't really give new players an incentive to join because it also limits how easily existing players can attract them. The truth is that most players start off F2P, and then make the decision to switch to paying when they wanna go "pro" so to speak. And the Rune Forge as it is now is a HUGE part of that F2P experience.

    That being said, I stick with Markoth's idea being a good alternative. Also, I mean if you want to be able to monetize the game while keeping rune accessibility a thing and don't want to keep two forges running, consider this:-

    Keep the forge as it is with a simple tweak. The runes being forged are initially untradeable, UNTIL you spend a token on them unlocking them for trade. These Rune Forge Trade Tokens can be made available in packs that can either be bought for money or bought by in-game gold so that it doesn't do away with the F2P component of the game.

    Or you know, just go with Markoth's thing.

    Or don't listen to me. These are all opinions. I could be wrong.
  14. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    The more generous the forge, the better value it is to buy a pack. You want new players opening a pack a day and getting real satisfaction from the purchase. Better forge prices makes this more likely.

    The players who love trading are all already here. Time to focus on the larger gaming community.
    Goyo likes this.
  15. Engleberry

    Engleberry The King of Potatoes

    But is having new players open a pack a day a realistic expectation? Again, maybe the Forge accessibility can indeed be increased with the Token for trading Forged Runes scheme going. Do you really need to do away with Forged Rune trade completely?
  16. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    I really like the idea of having two options in the Forge, to forge a standard trade-able rune and to forge a non trade-able rune for a lower price. It caters for both types of player, those just looking to play and those who want to trade/make profit etc. I believe, after reading a lot of peoples opinions, that making the forge non trade-able only is probably a bad idea, it will have backlash atleast and result in some players probably "rage quitting" the game, which isnt a good thing.
  17. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    Those of you who want a healthy economy, doesn't the existence of an affordable forge throw your rune values out of whack? You'd be better off removing the impact of forgeable runes. It's what killed the faction rune pools. so I don't favor a dual system.
  18. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    Im just biased personally, i have been playing for a few years now but i couldnt care any less about monetary value of my collection, after all its digital any way and if pox ever goes bust, all my expensive runes are worth...Firk all. This is despite spending money on pox, ive spent hundreds on league of legends over the years (skins) and i dont even play it any more. Does it bother me? Not in slightest. All i care about is being able to play and have fun doing it. Couldnt care less about trading and such.
    Engleberry likes this.
  19. Anima26

    Anima26 I need me some PIE!

    The game shouldnt be held back by a few people who have spent years spending money to obtain stupidly rare and valuable runes (even though most em sharked their way to their riches or abused PB). At the same time, changing things that pisses them off and results in them leaving the game is not good either. Catch 22?
    Engleberry likes this.
  20. Engleberry

    Engleberry The King of Potatoes

    Okay, no, I can't say I agree with the monetary value incentive of doing away tradeable forgeable runes. I'd rather be able to shard my runes and make runes that may be passed on to friends and guild mates as I choose and/or traded for new expansion runes I can't access. I'm not griping against this idea because I think the current forge is good for my collections value. If anything, it's the opposite.

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