Runes I don't own showing up when I play

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by exiledtyrant, Jul 12, 2014.

  1. exiledtyrant

    exiledtyrant Active Member

    This happened while I play testing a deck against the computer:

    I don't own any of those runes and none of them show up in my manager. Bastion was the big giveaway for me as well as the fact that I picked a UD/FW split rune BG. Using the same BG in the same game mode has produced the correct runes the 2nd time around.

    I haven't been able to replicate issue yet but it happened today while I was doing trials of the Protectorate. I just worry this may be a warning sign to logging into other people account accidentally through the launcher or BGs bleeding into other peoples accounts.
  2. ngsimmortal

    ngsimmortal Member

    i think its public deck,isn't it? =,= this is sharng deck for sure
    and because its public deck,u cant modify anything in it
  3. exiledtyrant

    exiledtyrant Active Member

    It looks like it is after looking at the runes. Odd that it would show up given the over 20 BGs I had ahead of it when I was picking my split deck I must have just miss clicked.

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