Skeezick bg

Discussion in 'Sundered Lands' started by rockintrol, Sep 5, 2014.

  1. rockintrol

    rockintrol The King of Potatoes

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2014
  2. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    Half Skeez, Res Skeez (loyalty regen1) and Cannoneer should at the very least be 2x. Same argument could be made for Alchemists and Netters.

    Netmaster, Dragonslayer and Grunt are question marks. Bolters used to be fine, no idea how they fit now but they don't seem that great.

    As for the non-champ stuff, Dragonfear is kinda random. Drop Ferocity for Waylay or maybe a Quickening. I prefer Hive over Gatgun. Could use a more efficient AOE than Firestorm but again, nothing major.
  3. rockintrol

    rockintrol The King of Potatoes

  4. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    Netmaster is bad in skeez, netter deals more damage earlier for cheap, and scales into insanity if you can keep deploying. You will rarely keep netmaster alive so long that his mutation gets to the good stuff.

    Bolter is good, he deals less damage then netter, but reinforcement can be useful and hit and run makes him somewhat safer. I prefer netter, because he gets to 18 -20 dmg very early, and coupled with cheap quicken it's pretty nasty.

    Grunt is the only good 7 speed skeez, but he is terrible early/1v1. Race charged is necessary but doesn't actually give a lot of charges.

    Dragonslayer imo is great. 48 hp and 11 dmg with execute is really good for 60 nora, and fester can be a blessing in some matchups. Obviously not against paladins, but skeezicks are not good vs paladins anyway.

    I wouldn't run 2x blackguard, they're too expensive, but with the recent buff 1x sounds great.

    Wylder is really expensive, but is probably the best magic dmg option.

    Consider running 1x of either valdac or vindrax, vindrax is great at any point of game and valdac will get your skeez dmg to crazy levels if you can keep deploying, and its magic dmg/cleanse is useful.

    Other than that your bg looks quite a lot like my bg, which I've had a lot of success with.
    Goyo likes this.
  5. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    I still prefer the 67 nora 14 dmg 3 def 55 hp resskeez in that slot.

    Loyalty is so dumb...

    One question though, what's the consensus in the 2x Wylder vs 1x Wylder/1x Warmage debate?
  6. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    I'm trying out warmage, but not playing that much skeez lately, since i'm hooked on arthropod playstyle. Imo 1x warmage 1x wylder sounds really good, and from what little I've played, it works. Instigate is really powerful.

    And yes, obviously resskeez is amazing (i run him 73 with regen 3, fool me), but sometimes you don't draw him early enough to contest the font, or he dies during a longer fight/powerturn. Dragonslayer is strangely enough one of the best beaters when resilient isn't around.
  7. darklord48

    darklord48 Forum Royalty

  8. Jib

    Jib Better-Known Member

    No drummer? That's manly.
  9. rogreborn

    rogreborn Devotee of the Blood Owl

  10. xplint

    xplint I need me some PIE!

    i think that is better to have vindrax instead of valdac, and totem is ok but not really needed
  11. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    If you don't run totem you will have to compensate with more alt damage, which is okay since torch is pretty badass.
  12. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Ah crap. Was looking though the forums, when suddenly I saw my avatar on a thread I never created. I thought it was a forum bug until I realized someone was actually using the same image.

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