So strip armor + geomancers shockwave

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by super71, Aug 6, 2014.

  1. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Tried this out in campaigns then had someone use it against me in-game it is extremely broken. Did like an aoe3 for 30 damage. Can we please fix all the gimmicky runes and combos and summons in this game it's ruining pox very quickly. YES I LOST TO IT AND YES IT IS STILL BROKEN JUST TO CLARIFY FOR THE SPECIAL ONES.
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  2. st3ck

    st3ck I need me some PIE!

    It's pretty cool right?
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2014
  3. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Eh a unit that does the work of an aoe doing 30 damage isn't very cool or good for the game especially if your running around with boghoppers that all have like 40 hp or a little more.
  4. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    you can kind of see it from a mile away
    Kampel likes this.
  5. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    I've actually never seen it in a game before and it's not exactly easy to stop if ur enemy runs him in with full health or a mark of redemption on him.
  6. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    I can see you lost to Geomancer
  7. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Yes i stated that above didn't i? Doesn't change the fact that an aoe3 doing thirty + damage is an issue and if you disagree then i feel sorry for you.
  8. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    I love Gravity Flux.

  9. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    I guess you were pretty SHOCKED.. ba dum tis
  10. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    Another helpful tidbit from you as always lol to ignore with you.
  11. st3ck

    st3ck I need me some PIE!

    Super, threads that call for changes because you lose to things don't have all that much merit around here. Most of the forum goers have been playing the game for 8 years. Threads like this don't really start a discussion so much as a flame war. You essentially just used general chat as your complain board about something you lost to. And not essentially, you literally did it, this thread is evidence.

    So either suggest a creative and interesting change other than "change it it's ruining pox" (this statement has no real weight to it either), or present some facts other than your personal conjecture. Strategic positioning to pull of high risk high reward moves through a combination of runes is EXACTLY what this game is, so if you don't like losing when somebody executes a better series of runes/plays/positioning, do something other than come hear and let us know, because we will troll you, until you quit or adapt.
  12. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Was it a FF deck? If so how did he manage to get his geomancer in the middle of all your units with 5 remaining AP without being painfully obvious? He no longer has Swap 3. I can see a split with ST for the Swap spell being particularly effective.
    Sealer0 likes this.
  13. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    No he got about 8 spaces away and used invigorate and it was ff and the ability has about a range of 8 after the initial damage.
  14. Sirius

    Sirius I need me some PIE!

    Heh, I'd personally rather experiment with a /KF split, for Messenger of the Circle, Elven Strategist and some other dude I'm forgetting, as well as Time Slip.
  15. KingJad

    KingJad I need me some PIE!

    My apologies if my joke offended you that much
  16. super71

    super71 I need me some PIE!

    I stated i lost to it just so i didn't get the typical did you just lose to this posts. Strategic positioning? Eh he was about ten spaces away moved 8 then used invigorate and the ability still from a few spaces away it's hard to see that coming and i believe he used gravity flux which also helped. So if being able to move about half the map then activate that ability is a bit hard to "predict". A better series of runes/plays is interesting as i was winning the whole game and my opponent did an aoe 8 almost for 30+ damage which playing fs against ironfist just about killed everything. The fact that you say yourself all the players that play 8+ years troll the forums just pretty much sums it up about you and the majority of the long-term players.

    A solution would be change the ability to not have the secondary effect and increase the damage to 12 and if the opponent is occupying earth terrain have it do another 4 like eruption.
  17. claydude5

    claydude5 The King of Potatoes

    You have to split with SP for Alacrity from the Cyclops and Gravity Flux/Fascinate from slags
  18. Sealer0

    Sealer0 I need me some PIE!

    That's what i meant when i said you can see it from a mile away. All you need to do is read the abillity tooltip, then dont let the dude with 5 ap around 2 or more champs. Really simple counterplay, unless he goes some forms of relocations. And if he does, relocations themselves are at fault, since they are not so easy to counter,
  19. Markoth

    Markoth Lord Inquisitor

    Not a bad idea actually. They also have a fair bit of relocate making things easier.
  20. Kampel

    Kampel I need me some PIE!

    SL needs this kind of tactics

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