So uh, the US just attacked the Syrian govt

Discussion in 'Off-Topic' started by BurnPyro, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    sigh. investigations are not for determining if something should be done. they are for keeping the sheep placated while nothing gets done.
  2. Boozha

    Boozha I need me some PIE!

    I mean, it doesn't surprise me that you don't care about knowing the truth, but you keep being a disappointment.
  3. Lop

    Lop The King of Potatoes

  4. Lop

    Lop The King of Potatoes

    ding ding ding!
  5. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Uhh could it be that Turkey provided syrian rebels with Sarin gas? Hello...... Turkey going to make big bucks on Syrian oil. Hint hint (Israel and US necon fckfaces not far behind to profit off Syrias oil if Syria falls.)

    Same old bullsht. Neocons and Israel working together to make money off of the blood of the innocent for oil. Turkey is in on it too. When does this sht end. Iraq, Libya, and now Syria. Hate these idiots running USA. Bunch of puppets. Only thin worse is ignorant people who support this shtshow.
    Israel + USA + Turkey.
  6. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Here listen Eren Erdem tell you how Turkey has been supporting these rebels pretty easy to put it all together. Assad and Russia are trying to save Syria.
  7. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    ok, so Obama said using chemical weapons was a red line, which he didn't enforce. And Trump as a candidate said don't get involved in Syria. So the plan was to frame the Syrian government for using chemical weapons so that... what was supposed to happen next?


  8. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Hmm any number of things could happen. US could be goaded into a confrontation with Russia, and lose. US could destroy Syria for the oil. Israel, Turkey and the neoconservative sht bags, oil corporations, and RINO's in washington D.C. would love that. This whole Syria thing is dirty and reeks of neocons, Israel, and Saudi Arabia. Almost like we are going around in a circle. 1. Make up false narrative to attack a nation for it's oil and resources. 2. Hire proxy armies to do the dirty work (contra's/ISIS/etc.). 3. False flag situation is created to trick USA into launching offensive against target country. 4. Target country is destroyed and plundered and idiot neocons make up a fake story and white wash the whole situation(Iran Contra commission, 9/11 special commission/etc.) 5. Rinse, repeat and do it again to some other poor country slaughtering the innocent population for a few dollars more. The only thing will come out of this is a sht load of refugees destroying europe and rest of the world with more terrorism. Any way you look at it America loses we are 20trillion in debt and that little Tomahawk missile tantrum the donal threw cost 100 million dollars. That is a 100 million dollars that could of been invested into getting Flint Michigan clean drinking water. Trump turning out to be another puppet for neocons and Israel.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2017
  9. Ohmin

    Ohmin Forum Royalty



    I've said this before, but I think Trump cares too much about Optics, to the detriment of the truth sometimes.

    Firing over 50 Tomahawks into an airstrip (and doing very little damage compared to the cost of those missiles) "looks" great to certain demographics. He looks tough against Syria and more importantly Russia, which helps to quell accusations of working with Russia (though not entirely). It also shows China (whom Trump had a meeting with at the time he did this, and had not warned the Chinese about it before hand) that Trump is willing to follow up on threats and the like, which could, potentially, cause them to second-guess their letting N. Korea continue to make threats, as well as maybe make them more skittish about trying to take over the entire Soutch China Sea.

    (Or it could escalate things on all sides, I'm just pointing out why Trump might think it's a good idea.)

    The results are fairly clear. Those in the US that were criticising Trump the most have turned around. If anything, they think he should have done more (hit the air-strip, not warned anyone prior to the strike, etc.) CNN, Hillary Clinton, McCain and others that have reviled Trump in the press and on the Hill are praising the attack. Of course, so is ISIS, and there is plenty of reason to suspect that ISIS would have been behind the Gas attack that sparked this response.

    Whether or not Assad is willing to use deadly poison gas on his own civilians... there's not much benefit to him doing so at this time. He's gotten tacit support from the US, he's succeeding at rooting out both ISIS and non-ISIS rebels using conventional means... and using Gas in a highly populated area to kill a handful of "terrorists" is not terribly effective. There has been evidence of ISIS/Al-Qaeda being behind similar attacks, including the one that got Obama interested in regime change in Syria in the first place.

    Causing infighting between the three main forces targeting them makes a lot of sense.

    That said, my main point is that people don't actually know what happened. There has been no real investigation, and people lept to conclusions about Assad's involvement. While that might ultimately prove to be correct, the problem is that it is still an assumption. One which, because Trump is so focused on Optics more so than the Truth of a given matter (IMO), means he's willing to throw aside his own stated beliefs about not wanting to get involved in such a quagmire as Syria... especially given the possibility even if successful at removing Assad that throwing out a secular-ish leader might be replaced by more "Radical Islam" and exacerbate the problem.

    More importantly to me... lives have been lost both directly (the missiles killed at least 6 Syrian soldiers in spite of advance warnings), and indirectly (with the loss of the base there ISIS was able to advance onto a town that lost the protection of that base). And all because of jumping to conclusions and a desire to look tough.

    And, in my view, it's not what most people who voted for him likely wished for or expected. But I'm no pollster so that's wild speculation on my part.

    Overall I'm a bit disappointed... but it's not completely outside the realms of my expectations. Not, mind you, entirely because of Trump himself, but because the political pressure within the government in some ways forced this as well. I think Trump wouldn't have bothered if not for those Optics... or to put it another way, if not for pressure both external (hawkish Dems, media, etc.) and internal (hawkish Reps, media, and possibly some of his internal circle) making the Optics matter and for it to "seem good" to do this.
    NevrGonaGivUup and Geressen like this.
  10. Baskitkase

    Baskitkase Forum Royalty

    #gitrekt random airfield
  11. profhulk

    profhulk Forum Royalty

    Yea it was about as effective as lighting some bottle rockets under a wall. Thank goodness there was little damage done. Waste of $$$$.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    which war are you air quoting "start" to? I'm just hoping trump and Putin don't start a tweet war
  13. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    there is a war in Syria
    some years into the war the US fires bombs at a Syrian airbase.
    you expressed hope that this does not start a war ignoring that the war started years ago.

    MEATMAN Forum Royalty

    i'm more concerned with a war starting with Russia and the US, though I know that that is not a likely scenario anytime soon. Though if media is to be believed this bombing does not help with current relations between the US and Russia. To be fair when I made the post I was kind of worried cause it's all I could think about and that'd suck ****, but thinking about it more I doubt anything will come of it in the long run. Most people will forget about this in a few months.

    I know there's a war in Syria, despite not keep up with current times often.
  15. BurnPyro

    BurnPyro Forum Royalty

    It's not about damage, it's about sending a message

    the US is not afraid to spend another couple of trillion, further pushing the heads of the people in the mud, just to destabilize some middle eastern region to the detriment of the rest of the world
  16. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    the current war in Syria and Iraq is a very complex proxy war.

    One the US proxies ( Free syrian army and other rebels including the Syrian al-quaida; Al-Nusra,) (not including ISIS) are losing
    Does the US also back the Kurds in Syria? they do in Iraq.
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2017
  17. Ragic

    Ragic I need me some PIE!

    there is talk of supporting the Kurdish rebels more, but I think the idea of a Kurdistan is problematic for some reason im not entirely sure about. im not up on my turkey politics. either way im getting the sense that we are heading towards drawing new borders again.
  18. Dagda

    Dagda Forum Royalty

    my understanding of kurdistan's thing is that no one wants to lose their kurdish land (in large part due to how competitive the region is from turkey on down), but no one actually wants kurds in their country.

    it's a possibility, but it's more likely that turkey wants to expand back towards ottoman levels of size than to give up any of what they have left
  19. Schmacko

    Schmacko I need me some PIE!

    Turkey is against an independent Kurdish state because they're worried that the 1/3 of their country that is predominantly Kurdish will try to join and/or that said Kurdish state will support the pkk rebels in Turkey.

    Northern Iraq being declared independent state of southern Kurdistan is probably just a matter of time though. Whether they gain any international recognition or are able to stay independent is a different story.
    BurnPyro likes this.
  20. Geressen

    Geressen Forum Royalty

    Also communism.

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