Sort by Recent

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Sunnydays, Sep 24, 2015.

  1. Sunnydays

    Sunnydays The King of Potatoes

    Hey I remember there being a way to sort runes by most recent in rune manager, but I didn't see the option there anymore. If it is somewhere can someone point me in the right place. If it isn't there anymore is there anyway we could bring this back? It would help alot with forging runes after getting a box. Cheers.
  2. skarpox

    skarpox The King of Potatoes

    Do you mean most recently release or most recently acquired?
  3. Sunnydays

    Sunnydays The King of Potatoes

    Most recently acquired
  4. Leadrz

    Leadrz I need me some PIE!

    That was removed, Because it was bugged.
    Maybe if we annoy them enough it may be re-added.

    But i mentally just take note now.
    Qucas and Sunnydays like this.

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