Soul Bond and Soulsphere

Discussion in 'Bug Reporting' started by Mythenmetz, Mar 14, 2014.

  1. Mythenmetz

    Mythenmetz New Member


    a little Bug right here. In my opinion the Soulsphere relict and the Sould Bond ability do not work as intended if you have both on the board.
    Soulsphere is supposed to prog if a unit takes dmg, and Soul Bond is supposed to prevent dmg. However if a unit with a 12 dmg protection from soul bond is attacked the Soulsphere progs everytime, even if the attacked unit doesnt take dmg at all. This is 100% reproducable and not dependent on any side condition.

    I guess, i dont excpect this to be fixed rather soon, because there are obviously more important things to fix, but i would really like to see my Battlegroup working out :)

    Have a nice day, and good luck making this game great again!

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