SP/FW Moga Mutant

Discussion in 'Rune Ideas and Suggestions' started by Kristian Skjold, Apr 4, 2014.

  1. Kristian Skjold

    Kristian Skjold I need me some PIE!

    Name: Moga Mutant
    Faction: Shattered Peaks / Forsaken Wastes
    Race: Moga, Mutant
    Class: None
    Size: 1x1
    Rarity: Exotic
    Artwork: A Greenish moga with 4 arms, wielding 1 sword, 1 mace, 1 axe and 1 slingshot. Tentacles on its head and tentacles as legs.
    Text: I dont know what it exactly is.. But it seems a bit mogaish dont it? "But my lord, the 4 arms??" I dont care if it' had 3 heads! Lead it to the armory! - G'hern Overlord's conversation with Shallaxy.
    ALTERNATIVE TEXT! "I sure hope i did not make that one... -G'hern Birthmother.
    Nora Cost: 45
    Champion Stats:
    Speed: 8
    Range: 1
    Defense: 0
    Health: 35

    Champion Abilities:
    Attack: Bare Fist (Physical) (Works just like basic attacks) This attack decrease DMG with 2)
    Attack: Axe
    (Activating this ability will make a Basic attack against target adjescent Champion. This ability is removed upon activating) AP2
    Attack: Sword (Activating this ability will make a Basic attack against target adjescent Champion. If target is succesfully hit it becomes Eviscerated 3. This ability is removed upon activating) AP2
    Attack: Mace (Activating this ability will make a Basic attack against target adjescent Champion. If target is succesfully hit it gets knockbacked 2 spaces.. This ability is removed upon activating) AP2
    Attack: Slingshot (Activating this ability will make a Basic ranged attack (2-3) attack against target adjescent Champion. If target is succesfully hit, it gets Wandering and immobile for 2 turns. This ability is removed upon activating) AP2
    Surge 1: Moga.

    Champion Upgrades:
    Psychic Ping 2
    Death Nova: Psychic
    Stat Bonus: Health 2

    What role is this Rune intend to fill?
    -This Moga is designed for SP to split with FW (SURPRICE!?) A Cheap & dangerous unit that can be played several ways. depends on ur playstyle and what u wish it should do

    Why isn't this Rune's role being fulfilled by similar Runes?
    - We dont got many SP champions that fit in a split with FW.

    How is this rune different from what is already in Pox Nora?
    - It's different because of the Attack: abilities which aint a part of the attack chain. so it's 4 attacks if you can keep him alive until he can attack wiith dangerously 4 attacks.. Duo to surge ability, he got potential to take down Superchamps like "Magnified Jek" Leeched "Demonvein Vampyres etc.

    How is the Rune Competitive and why would it be used over other Runes?
    -It would be used cuz it's low nora cost, and potential to take out superchamps which Mogas definatly can have troubles with.

    What makes this Rune unique and fun to use??
    The unique part is he attacks and different ways to play him. + his connection to FW

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