SP/UD Savage Shock

Discussion in 'Split Faction' started by GenGrumble, Jun 8, 2016.

  1. GenGrumble

    GenGrumble The King of Potatoes

    Been playing around with a lot of BGs lately and wanted to make something new (to me) and decided on a SP/UD split Electricity BG. After more than a few games I've decided I love it; only I don't have enough alt damage.

    If anyone has any tips/ideas on how to improve this BG please let me know. Also accepting "Constructive" criticism!

  2. GenGrumble

    GenGrumble The King of Potatoes

    Seems to have a problem with swarming, also higher tier players... of course that's probly just my bad plays. =P
  3. vipoid

    vipoid I need me some PIE!

    Is it wise to have no sources of alternate damage?
  4. GenGrumble

    GenGrumble The King of Potatoes

    Nope. That's one of the reasons it's just for funzies. But I am up for suggestions on alt damage, if you have any.
  5. NevrGonaGivUup

    NevrGonaGivUup I need me some PIE!

    I recommend the spell ionization. Spark charge could also do some work.

    Acrid smoke doesnt seem ideal here- a lot of your champs aren't demons.

    Cursed epitaph is pretty weak. I would swap it out for a relic with more impact, like echo chamber or rock trap.
  6. Milos

    Milos The King of Potatoes

    also cyclops are bad here replace them with overcharged golems and tkat that electro bust think its 5 more dmg for elec and he can demolis stuned creature and this deck have many wahy to shock and stun

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